Psycho-Babble Withdrawal Thread 526794

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Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms!

Posted by ariel on July 12, 2005, at 16:59:17

I posted earlier that I was going to go off Effexor XR. Maybe it was 2, 2.5 weeks ago. The reason I'm not sure is that I have been able to cut down from 225 mgs a day to 75mgs in a very short amount of time -- with virtually no symptoms of the type everyone here has very helpfully described. I've experienced less physical problems coming off this drug than when I was on it (and I've been on it for 10 years). I get sort of drowsy in the afternoon, but that's nothing unusual for me (a professional napper). There's been no noticeable increase in irritability, or nothing that I can attribute to the w/d. No headaches, no unusual insomnia, no nausea, no depressive periods. If anything, I feel more stable.

It's less a go figure situation when it comes to the emotional stuff. I've find that when I decide I'm going to tackle something, when I put my mind to it, the mental attitude trumps everything else.
I decided that, come hell or high water, I was done with this drug, and quitting it has made me feel wonderfully free. Cripes, I'm not even obsessing over a very obsessive relationship i ended a while ago, something that, up until I started to get off this drug, I thought about just about 24/7. Also, I've had to deal with a health emergency re my son getting second degree burns,a drama that's been going on for a week and half now. Previously, when this kid would be embroiled in some crisis, I'd feel like a narcoleptic initially. I'd shut down initally until I could pull myself together to deal with the situation. This time around, I felt crappy (who wouldn't?), but found that I didn't sink into my usual weepy self pity. If anything, I got tired of his attitude towards the injury and told him to <deal with it, already> (he's 21, btw).

I've gotten such good advice from others on this board that I'm prepared to deal with any symptoms that may arise when I cut down to the smallest dose. I'm just really pleased that, so far, this is going very well.

Anyone else here who has found that cutting down has proved to be fairly problem free?


Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » ariel

Posted by angelbean on July 15, 2005, at 23:48:18

In reply to Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms!, posted by ariel on July 12, 2005, at 16:59:17

I am so happy for you! It is unbelievable the power of the mind and of the human spirit.

One caution, though. I have cut back my dosage a few times over the years, and the symptoms have been manageable. But it's once I pass the 75mg point that it becomes difficult for me.

Just prepare yourself for what may or may not be coming. I'm sure many people have posted advice here on that before (I'm fairly new here), but the one thing I would say is this: When you start to feel like you're losing your mind, just remind yourself that it will pass, soon. That is what I have to keep telling myself! Oh and don't make any decisions for a while.

I wish the best for you. Good luck on this journey.



Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » angelbean

Posted by ariel on July 16, 2005, at 14:08:28

In reply to Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » ariel, posted by angelbean on July 15, 2005, at 23:48:18

as soon as i posted this, i knew i was headed for a fall. today i can sort of chuckle over it. yesterday i was (1) on a crying jag (2) feeling like a stranger in my own house (3) wrapped in depression and (4) unable to sleep, altho exhausted. but....most of the plunge had to do with a particular situation, and not so much with my lack of effexor in my system. my therapist nailed it when she told me last year that, in her opnion, i didn't suffer from a chemical imbalance or a chemical disposition towards depression. we talked about all my major depressions, and, aside from the post partum and perimonpausal/hormone thing, they were mainly situational. yesterday was an excellent example -- my son was going off on a short vacation after being home since early may from college. altho i couldn't wait for him to get going so i could have a mini vacation from him, as soon as he left, i was wracked with sobs. this is SOP with me -- i <hate> it when loved ones leave, even if it's for a few days or even if i think i want them to go. it's like my dog's intense separation anxiety. and here i am, someone who loves to be alone! anyways, had i been on my former 225 mgs of effexor, i would've felt almost the same -- maybe not quite as sobby, maybe a little more able to cope.

today i took about about 65 mgs (yesterday i was down to like 5mgs). until my son gets back, i'll take at least this amount. no use putting myself thru hell. when the routine is re-established, i'll cut down again. i will be very careful come mid august when there will be another leave taking situation. if i've weaned myself off the stuff totally, i may take what i need to get thru what will be another tough period. or maybe i can make some plans to act as a distraction so i can stay off the pills.

your support and advice is really helpful.


Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » ariel

Posted by angelbean on July 16, 2005, at 14:59:20

In reply to Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » angelbean, posted by ariel on July 16, 2005, at 14:08:28

Hi Ariel. I wish I had some good advice for you. But all I have is my mutual experience. I'm 33, so it sounds like you may be a little older than me, but amazing how much we have in common! Your 4 symptoms sound just like me, pretty much all the time. Although I would have to add rage. I keep finding myself yelling at my family and storming out of the room at pretty much everything they say to me. Especially my husband. I just told him that Dr. Bob would say to please be civil and not say anything that could make another person feel put down. Is that a sign that I've been on here too much lately?? LOL

I understand what you mean about liking to be alone, but then feeling lonely when you are. I haven't slept more than 2 hours a night for the last 2 weeks, and late at night I come here and read the posts. It makes me feel connected to people who are sharing this experience with me.

I've found that talking to people really helps. I have one friend who is way more depressed than I, and when I talk to him, I feel so much better about where I am. Not that I enjoy seeing someone so bad off, but more that I feel good when I'm able to help him. There is definately something therapeutic about helping others. It's funny when I think about myself playing the role of the 'strong one'. So maybe I do have some advice! Stay connected. People in your life may not (probably won't) understand what you're going through. I don't bother trying to explain it to them. Unless you've been here, I don't think you are capable of 'getting it'. But find others who share your experiences. You've got me!!

I wanted to ask, have you tried the Benedryl so many people are talking about? They say it helps a lot. I haven't tried it yet, but am going to tonight. My friend (the one mentioned above actually) is a pharmacist and he said it's ridiculous. I told him so many people say it helps. So of course he started telling me about the chemistry of it all, which means NOTHING to me. It may or may not ease the symptoms, I'll let you know later.

I think it's a good thing that you took a little extra dosage to get you through the hard time. But I'm afraid there will always be something unforeseen coming up (for me anyway). In the past 6 weeks, I lost my job, my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer, my baby nephew died of sids, I went back to college, and am feeling some (a lot) of stress in my marriage. Oh, and did I mention I have 2 teenage boys?! Wow, how am I dealing with this? When I lost my job, I also lost my insurance, hence my decision to go off Effexor. In my area, 30 pills of 150mgs are $140. It's been 11 days now, and I'm doing great really. I won't go back on when my husband's insurance kicks in. At least not if this has passed by then. I am beginning to wonder however if this is withdrawal or depression itself creeping back into my life.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. But it feels so good to get it out in a nurturing and supportive environment. If you want to talk, I'm here.



Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms!

Posted by ariel on July 16, 2005, at 15:50:58

In reply to Re: Unbelievable -- no Effexor w/d symptoms! » ariel, posted by angelbean on July 16, 2005, at 14:59:20

> Hi Ariel. I wish I had some good advice for you.

AB: what do you mean "wish"? your advice is <excellent>.
> I've found that talking to people really helps.

Yup, I'm on the same page. Only my circle is pretty small these days, now that I've been retired for 5 years. i call myself a semi-recluse -- after working FT for 25 yrs, i (usually) find it a joy to just stay home with my dog. i was in a busy and demanding public service job and i do not miss having to be available every minute of those work days. what i do to stay in touch is to email a couple of close friends. they always understand, altho, like you, i'm the "strong" one to them, the one who's the advice dispensor, not vice versa. still, they're there to read my occasional cries for help, even if they'd rather have the shoe on the other foot. i've been divorced for as long as i've been retired and the only thing about the marriage i miss is having someone here 24/7 to listen.

> I think it's a good thing that you took a little extra dosage to get you through the hard time. But I'm afraid there will always be something unforeseen coming up

yikes! here i am wringing my hands over my kid leaving for a vacation and there you are with some real heavy, heavy duty stuff! wow! and not having any insurance! is there anything in your area where you can see a mental health worker for free or on a sliding scale? it took me years and years to realize that talk therapy is the key. one session with my therapist helps me more than a bottle of effexor. it was she who told me that effexor doesn't "fix" anything, that if i succumb to depression, the pill is useless (that was the beginning, last year, of my realization that i was wasting my money on this stuff). she's a cognitive behaviorist, btw. she believes that the key to NOT getting depressed is to be mindful of feelings. so, yesterday, when i was going thru the kleenex, i also told myself that i felt sh*tty, that i was sad, that i was lonely, that i couldn't wish it away, and that it was there for as long as it would be there. while i was crying, i let all the crap come up, most of which has to do with my worry over my son (he's not a teenager any more, but he sure acts like one) and residual lousy feelings over the death of a long term relationship with a man i adore (i'm trying to get this into the past tense -- sometimes it feels over, other times, like yesterday, the hurt felt just as raw as if it was happening right then).

well, anyways, everything you're feeling, you have to feel, give it a name, let it run its course, and, best advice from the therapist i got -- never, ever push it down. hoo, that one's a bitch. like you, one of my friends is usually far more emotionally fragile than me. her depressions last forever. she doesn't get any respite, they go on for like 6 months at a stretch. i help as much as i can with the advice and support. when i feel myself getting compassion fatigue and want to tell her, for God's sake, go shopping or something, i stop writing for a while. better that, then feeling all smug because i can deal better than she can. when that smugness starts to set in, like i said about my feeling so wonderful re my lack of physical w/d symptoms, i am sure to get smacked upside the face.

oh, yeah, and the bottom line for me is to get reconnected with God. i converted to a new religion a couple years ago. i'm a lazy practicioner, but when i actually remember to pray, it makes a difference.

on a more mundane note, i was lucky that i was able to get my pills in 3 month batches with a $20 co-pay. but i could use the $80 a year towards something else. i'm sorry that you had to pay so much. hey, the less we support the giant pharmaceuticals, the better.

the funny thing about my being on effexor for so long is that everyone i know who has tried antipdepressants, has had very little, or no relief, or, worse, thoughts of suicide! i always wondered why they "worked" for me. i now realize they weren't working very well at all. unlike my friends, i had very few initial side effects when i started the pills. hmmm, i wonder if that has something to do with my lack of physical side effects now.

well, like you say, who knows if we're suffering from withdrawal or it's a ntural reaction to the environment. i'm leaning towards the latter. the effexor didn't prevent 3 major depressions over the past 5 years, and, if i'm lucky and do my therapy work, i can prevent any major slides in the future.

and, yes, i'm, older than you. 20 years. i'm also newly menopausal which seems to be making a big difference in my mental state. the 10 year long perimenopausal period frequently wreaked havoc with my moods.

so now i'm going out to take my walk, another big mood elevator.

oh, yeah, the benedryl -- doesn't work for me, altho some people find it knocks them out. i have a scrip for valium. that doesn't work all that well, either, but i take one every so often. i could get a real sleeping pill scrip from my dr. but i don't want to go down that road. since i don't work, so what if i'm up a few hours a night?
i thik the key to dealing with insomnia is to try not to get all agitated over it. do what you're doing -- use the time to go online, or read, or watch tv. it's when you obsess over it that you get in trouble. do have any opportunity to take a short nap during the day? now that you're not working, try the short nap thing. i'm a professional napper. the world would be a better place if everyone slept for a while during the day every day.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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