Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 27. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:24:44
i got the vaccine anyone else reads that not from babble i got the phizer vaccine, and i don't know the vacinne caused this, i don't .... i defeintly don't want to give bad impression about the vaccine, but im just worried because i did start speech problems after i got the vaccine. Government reads this, im just saying that's what happened. It could have nothing to do with it, and could be natural cause. Pleast know im not trying to give it bad rep, and mabybe i could help the US government on things. Thank you for reading this.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:42:13
In reply to vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:24:44
i don't know if should tell the US goverment but i'll give overvieew : i graduated in 2005, from keller high school i went to TCC, then they pulled me off dexedrine and that's when everything collapsed, i lost the ability to study, and ... it's long story, but i got involved in acting, or i went for a short time to acting studioo, i did but i didnt keep, then in 2009 i got pulled off dexedrine again, had another collapse, so ... since 2010, i've stayed at my house, got a couple jobs and did not so good in keeping up.
I went back to TCC in 2015, i did journalism, i did articles you can you read them online. Then i started having trouble, with putting together stuff, i said screw this, then i went to information technology i got good grades, but i don't rerember alot. So, im at home and just work online projects. I think helping the government or getting involved in political movemeent that's happening. I want to do it, im stranded at home. I need to go some place, lock me up and starve mysellf to get this weight off. It's not bad, but i need to do starvation diet to get it off quick.
I feel stranded at home, i have a good place to live, we have a sweet cat, my mom stays here, but i feel stranded. I need to jump in, starve myself for a while get the weight off, and then hop in help the goverment, or a political movement. It's the only thing i can do, if i go to a software company i would fall behind. I need to be back on the meds they deprived me of, anyways, i just wanted to say that if US government reads. I wanted to be an actor, maybe work for a movie company, something fun that would enjoy but i can't do that. I need help. But thank you for keeping the country running. I just wanted to give you an overview of things. That's all, i stay at home and work on computer and that's it. Thank you for reading just wanted the gov to know what's going on. Thank you
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:47:29
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:42:13
ok alex that was just if the goverment reads, we'll go back to babble talk and things. Thanks for beinig friend alex too :)
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:51:08
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:47:29
let's just go back to babble talk, needed to write that, but yeah alex i got the vaccine and....i started studdering. It could yes, but somoething totally else, but it happened right after. I'm just kinda worried, ill pray god and go the chapel i go for prayer
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 17:30:25
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:51:08
omg i can't believe i wrote this....couple hours ago now this is dead right embarrasing of what i posted. I can't believe i posted this, ok - vaccine - thought it caused studdering - that's it. My speech is fine, i just jerk sometimes. I can't believe i wrote up in rj's ranting sensless ramblings
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 17:35:06
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 17:30:25
i thought if the government read, i would explain the covid vaccine side effect. That's all. Thank for at least reading my thoughts.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:13:17
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 17:35:06
we have a border system, have a wall and frequently taking in new ... citizen's not sure how to say, but the immigradtion or whatever it's called has increased in the US. There's many people migrants coming into the borders and having a system made for them to be in the US. I'm not expert in explaining. But covid regulations are increasing back again becuse of the delta veriant, it's suppost to be worse than covid, and it's spreading here. I guess this is he 2nd pandemic, because .. I got the vaccine, the phizer, and not sure if it would block the delta variant. Hospital are getting full again. Mainly it's people who are not vaccinated. I was scared about the vaccine but i kinda...was forced to get because i live in house where I have to have vaccine.
In a way im glad, another worried about this side eeffect that happened after i got it. But let's not think about that. New York and California have mandated vaccines, even in some places if you go work, you have to show had the vaccine. Events or, gathering with tons of people, get togethers, it's just when there is large amount of people that are close to eachother at an event, it is triple worse to have delta varient exposure, and that is mainly the unvaccinated. Anti-vaxxers, i'm an anti-vaxxer suprisingly, but i was forced to get it, if live at home to be safe. So, i said ok fine, and got the vaccine. I'm just...worried and you know this thing happnign could be a natural cause not from the vaccine. Anyways there's many mandates for masks, and warnings to unvacinated people.
I'm...yes im anti-vaxxer - thinking of conspiracy stuff but some of that ... not true. I was watching a video on youtube (prophecy) that east coast would go under water. But let's not talk about that, the delta varient in the US is very bad. I don't know about new zealand, but we're being hit hard here. It's not as bad, as when covid first hit, and we had quarantine to stay in houses. People...really didnt do that, im 2020, i would go out to my girlfriends house, there were as many cars on the highways, there many people out doings, they did have masks, but there were just as many people as regular. I really hope this virus, or these virus's will end. But society is gonna change, were not gonna be the same aftr this pandemic. New era coming
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:15:05
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:13:17
omg wrong post, this was suppost to be for another post, copied it and hit the wrong post.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 20:06:49
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 18:15:05
ok im done, end of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:31:39
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 7, 2021, at 15:51:08
started suddering, acutally no, i jerk then i jerk sometimes when im on the computer and hit the wrong keys. So, it's not studdering at all, it's jerking (small jerks or movements that could be related to zyprexa). I do these posts and keep adding to them and then they become annoying. I'm sorry, it's that in the moment rush that you want to post something, then get embarrased after. Let's focus on self improvement instead complaning
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:37:07
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:31:39
ok end of log
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:39:09
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:31:39
alex don't take any of this insulting , thanks for a good friend :)
Posted by alexandra_k on August 8, 2021, at 21:12:10
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:39:09
haha you are funny. glad to hear you are okay. horrible panic...
in other news, i managed to poke myself in the eye.
too funny, with all my picking up on the 'they may as well have their eyes poked out' thing.
i had a bit of a weird dream and woke up with a bit of a jerky startle reflex. sort of jammed my thumb pretty hard into my eye. i don't know why. saw stars. i thought that was just a saying... but i literally saw white sparkler bursts.
i popped a blood vessel in my eye, or something. the outer half of the white is right red from blood. it looks pretty bad. it looks pretty awful. i suppose it will come right... i suppose....
can't go get medical care from nz, anymore, anyway. so it will have to be okay.
covid is coming.
thank god.
things will be better once it's gone.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:19:43
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 8, 2021, at 15:37:07
i regret writing that post alex, i just had a few jerks while talking then paniced thinking it was the COVID vaccine. How embarrasing espcially posting it on the net for government to read.
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:23:31
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:19:43
alex....thing is about babble, there is no delete button like social media platforms, this is an old system that was developed in the 1990s. Once you hit that 'confirm your post' it goes on forver for the internet to read. There is no deleting, and dr-bob usally only deletes it in emegency situations
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:35:40
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:19:43
I wanted to write my aspirations and goals, so, thing ill write one. I want to help the government, and keep the country running, i'm in not a state to jump in, i need to plan how this is gonna work. I always wanted to work for warner brothers, a movie company with ideas from pintrest page. Either one, but I'm 34 and im sure this being read in the future ill be older. I graduated in 2005 from keller high school, yeah i've said they ripped off adhd medications, so i've been sowley going with creativity online. I went to school and i...i have good grades, my GPA is around B or a high C. But i couldnt rerember alot of it. I want to help the governement, my dreams working with warner brothers with ideas and creativty is still there. I just needed to write that, i'm in slow place not knowing where im going because i dropped out of school because i realized, it wasnt sinking in. Anyways, i'll continue to write here and share ideas. But i just wanted to write that. Thank you for reading
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:40:30
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:35:40
help the government, join a political movement or cause anything.
Posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 16:48:58
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 19, 2021, at 21:40:30
you want to join something bigger than yourself. be part of a cause you believe in. people who are shared in goal or purpose or something. sounds admirable to me.
seems to me like you just need for someone to give you a chance.
the thing about the whole 'posts here stay here forever but posts on social media you have control over'
the thing is...
the control thing is...
an illusion.
firstly... i don't know. i guess as soon as bob stops paying his domain bill or whatever then this whole site will stop working.
secondly... because nobody can really delete anything from a computer system anymore. if they ever really could before. it's all recoverable. it's all restorable. there's copies and copies of copies and copies of copies of copies of copies floating around everywhere...
just because it seems to you that a certain post has been removed from social media.... there's just a record that you removed it when you did... but it's still accessible or readable or whatever... recoverable... if there was an fbi investigation or whatever...
nothing is really gone forever. not the way the internet works.
the problem is the volume of information. hunting for needles in haystacks.
Posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 17:47:10
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 16:48:58
i mean...
i think people don't seem to realise...
i remember when time machine back ups were new.
this idea of saving the entire state of your system at a particular point in time. so you could do a system restore. so that if something happened to your computer... you could get another. and you could get the new one to be as the old one was at a certain point in time.
and to start with... people saved the state of their system... how often? how often were people doing time machine back-ups? they took a lot of room to start with. you were supposed to buy an external hard-drive where the external back-up was to be stored. remember?
so then compression algorithms, i guess... you don't need to save the entire state of the system.. your world of warcraft programme download that's teens of gigabites... you don't need for that to be saved every 6 months or every week on time machine. if that one goes missing you can simply re-install it anyway. that's just a waste of space. but the contents of your documents, on the other hand... all those word files...
so then this idea of... more selective backups. to save room. and time spend actually backing things up.
and also... you don't need to save all the contents. you can save the difference (if any) in the contents. so that essay that you wrote in 2018 and didn't alter since then... you just need for it to be backed up once since there haven't been any changes subsequently.
so now the size of the changes is getting a lot less...
maybe still intensive for people working on large files... working on movies etc.
but for people working in text or numbers... easy peasy. that kind of information... i am fairly sure...
i mean...
word is pretty good now -- right???
you run out of power on your pc or whatever and it goes to sleep... you hunt out your power cord and... vioa la... your word document was saved right where you left off.
i can't remember the last time i lost ANYTHING in word. and you hit 'undo' and you keep hitting it....
you can progressively undo all the things. you can un-edit all the things. you can un-write all the things.
then roll undo into redo and watch your essaying being written. right?
watch the posts being written... undo... undo... redo...
it's all there... it doesn't take much to have all the changes in a text document. or a document with letters and numbers. it really doesn't take up very much space (in the grand scheme of things) at all.
it's all there rj.. it's everywhere rj.
the clouds isn't about breaking up the information and sending a bit here and a bit ther eand another bit someplace else for security.
security just is... sending ALL of the INFORMATION darned near EVERYWHERE.
think yes and.
and then... track changes. where is the source of the corruption??
who changed the message... who edited it... who inserted mis-information? why? for what purpose? for what end?
is google AND mac AND windows AND AND AND AND AND the more copies that are distributed.. the less likely someone (say the nzl government) will corrupt things. the less likely someone (say the nzl government) will be able to persuade the world that you are a crazy terrorist who needs to be murderised for the good of the world.
you see?
Posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 17:56:35
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 17:47:10
i mean i understand it is literally sent in little packets via one route where the route by which it is sent can be rerouted...
i just mean that where my essay as at 2:10:34 pm on a Monday is likely... stored (completely, that is to say in full) on physical servers in different locations.
so that if there was a terrorist attack on a server farm, for instance, then it wouldn't result in the loss of any information.
it would only result in the loss of a copy. that could be restored.
i would imagine something like that.
but of course this is security stuff... and you need not know..
better for everyone if we don't know. whatever.
there was a security update that apparently doesn't do anything... i guess the thing is that if they tell you what it's doing that sort of goes some way towards undermining its ability to do what it does...
it resulted in my password changing. from a mac password to a new password... that wants me to link to google...
i get pretty pissy about all the passwords... as you are supposed to...
so you give them your face and your fingerprint. a scan of a barcode microshipped into your jaw bone from when they removed your wisdom teeth... you get the idea...
mac wants your gmail password. google drive won't back up your documents (for YOU to access them later) unless you get your google password on your operating system.... etc etc... everybody wants all of your passwords..
but you are not allowed to make them all the same password...
you are required to pick a password that YOU will have trouble remembering...
so who will you give your keychain password to? you know.. the password that you use to access your other passwords???
fun and games.
shutting people out of their own data.
while forcing them to give you more and more and more and morea...
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:21:04
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by alexandra_k on August 20, 2021, at 17:56:35
yes, it is a needle in a haystack to find with all the posts here, going through them because they go to archives after there finished on the boards
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:36:47
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:21:04
hey, you had said somebody just needs to give you a chance....i guess like believe, or have faith in personal growth. I had a trainer, a personal trainer that was enthusastic, and told me he had faith in me, and .... it started out really good f or about the first 6 months, then after that he started getting tired and irrtatied with me. Not, like really dislike, but i seemed to irritate him in the later months, if i didnt lose weight he got disappointed, and so i lost that faith that someone had in me, and ... i know what this is, i start out good, then i tend to fall behind, maybe have a carefree, sometimes passive work ethic. But i have so much trouble with doing things, i lose things, when i was with my trainer, i forgot my water bottles, started ... i started to not care, about losing weight, and not taking it seriously. Not putting it as a priority, the same thing with school, but ... i didnt blow off school, i litterly could not memorize the commands and linux systems, i could not do it.
So, i think one thing i need to do, is make something a priority. I sometimes give up because it seems i can't do it, and then i kinda just ride the work, and not be driven, more like a floater. This has been this way for a long time, even if ... did support high cause, worked for polical movement or goverment, i would have to make it priority. I've let many things that i wanted for goals, and i lost priority for them because i couldnt do it. Or just got passive. You know in the world, work, people love what they do, they make it priority.
They say don't let a bad day, think you've had a bad life, in other terms, a person who didnt like you because you screwed up with them. I'm sure i can find something or someone that knows my tendecies to fall behind and get passive, but i don't want to do that anymore, i don't want to be carefree person anymore. Anyways, you wrote that in the post and i wanted to elborate on that. Thanks alex for responding :)
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:48:59
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:36:47
carefree person means freedom from anixiety and responsibility - i don't want to be anything like that anymore, carefree - they way i see it, you just excuse yourself from responsibility, lazy or floater. Someone i know ... he works his job well, he pushes carts and cleans the floors - even though this is simple job, he does it, and he does it with work ethic. If i was doing someone thing similar i would start having carefree charastics and not doing a full job. I have to have someone down on me, telling me what to do, to be efficiant. I have supervised. I've created projects and tasks all over the internet (not here on babble) and worked on them for years. I did put work eithic in. Seems to me, i need to just make, make it a point to never be a carefree person and have driven work ethic. I don't like intellectuzing explaining myself but i had to get it out
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:57:42
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:48:59
it just seems even if i got another situation, someone having faith in me, then getting frustrated and irritated to the point of disliking. People have faith and good hopes in the start, then frustration and disliking comes along. So, even though that happened in the past, it doesnt mean it will again. This is self intellectualiation, but i just had to get this out. Start in the start, it's good, then fall behind after. I need to find another minset, and stop thinking cause and effect thinking
Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 20:00:32
In reply to Re: vaccine, posted by rjlockhart37 on August 21, 2021, at 19:36:47
whew....let's hope all this silly self explanation goes into the archives and no one else will read it
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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