Posted by moesje on August 23, 2007, at 12:08:59
In reply to Re: Cymbalta Withdrawal -- Take ACTION, posted by Aya on August 23, 2007, at 11:46:37
Wow! Thank goodness I did't have hallucinatons! Fortunately I found this site, but not until after I'd been on the drug for a few months. Now ANYONE I talk to is warned of the side effects.
Yes, we are paying the docs to know this stuff, and yet if the pharmaceutical isn't releasing the info, the docs don't know. Mine thought I should be able to quit cold turkey at 30mg, so I did, and went through it all. Even when I graduated the dosage I still had the symptoms.
I've read the patient info from Lily, and there's nothing in there about these side effects, so maybe the standards aren't set to include us as problems to look for.
Either way, I sent a public report to the Federal USDA with this web site as a reference that this drug needs to be looked into further.
I also have restless legs, and 2 years ago I would have taken something for it . . now I'm looking for vitamins and supplements to help. Won't touch the new stuff AT ALL.
> My doctor said nothing to me about these issues, but my phamacist knew all about them when I stumbled into Walgreens and was forced to lay on the floor to keep from passing out. She told me if I start hallucinating that I have to go to the emergency room immediately. That's pretty serious.
> Ultimately it's all of our own responsibilities to research the drugs we are prescribed. HOWEVER, we are not doctors and are paying them for their knowledge. We put our trust in them. Someone needs to be held accountable.