Posted by Spriggy on June 26, 2005, at 14:48:33
I am totally of Klonopin. I never take that much to begin with so it wasn't that difficult.
But, I have been taking Restoril ( 30mg's) a night to sleep since February. I really began to feel the need to get all this stuff out of my system so I started slowly weaning off it about 5 weeks ago.I am now only taking 8 mg's a night. I did not fall asleep Friday until 4 a.m. and last night I did not fall asleep until 3:30 a.m.
Is this rebound insomnia and will it go away eventually? I REALLY don't want to be on this medicine any longer.
I have really wondered if it is the cause of my lupus ( I have read meds can induce it).