Posted by Willful on October 31, 2013, at 14:22:07
In reply to Re: To Partly Cloudy and Alex, posted by Partlycloudy on October 31, 2013, at 9:56:11
Hi PC,
I also hope you stay here and don't let one or two posters however "important" they seem, or however much they're respected here-- which I'm sure Alex and SLS-- and you-- are-- throw you off. I know that I myself respond based on what I read and the history that I remember of people who've been here and contributed here-- and while I might understand where people who react against something are coming from (or not)-- I make my own judgments and have my own complicated feelings about everyone.
Plus-- I 'm hopeful that we all work towards have complex views of each other-- not black/white, my side/your side views.
Sometimes, I'll be honest, you seem angry to me-- but it may be that you're vehement or passionate and it comes across as anger-- or it may be that at those times, you've touched a nerve in me-- it may not be you at all.
And anyway, there's nothing wrong with a little momentary annoyance or anger-- even if it evokes a reaction that's hurtful. Usually people can work things out and the hurtful responses can be turned into a better relationship.
I tend to think that even if everyone seems to dislike or be put off by something I write-- as I'm sure they are at times-- there are some people out there who see through it, and know what I"m getting at- even if they don't say anything. Not to mention that I'm not always at my best. I have the hope, though, that people will over time see the better part of me not the worst.
So hang in here, and don't start to believe that there's some inner circle or that you're not welcome. This place needs people like you to stay around, even in the bad times.