Posted by deerock on February 22, 2013, at 23:20:59
I have been in psychoanalytic psychotherapy for about 7 years. 5 years were with an analyst who was helpful in uncovering some of the reasons for my pain, specifically in terms of identifying losses in early life and also identifying ways in which my parents lack of empathy failed me. I would get very angry at her when her empathy was not in tune and ended up causing her to lose objectivity in the relationship and I terminated the relationship. I then spent about 1 year working with a male analyst who wrote several books, was very well known and sort of a powerful figure to me and also in the analytic community. I felt hopeful for the first time and our work was very helpful, i felt understood. He was extremely expensive and insurance changes caused me to terminate that relationship. In the last 6 months, I have been working with another woman and I am constantly telling her this is not helpful, that i want to leave and that its a waste of time. she has stuck by me and insists that it can work and to keep trying. we sought a consult with another therapist who felt we should keep working together and add some medication.
i added the medication and am waiting for it to kick in. its an maoi and im scared of the medicine to be honest and i feel worse than i ever have felt in my life in this treatment. the therapist wants me to stay on the medication and i keep telling her i should find a different therapist to which she says this will not solve anything and is a goegraphic cure of sorts.
i am continuing to try to work with her but its extremly painful and i do not trust that she can help me, which is the root of why i am in therapy in the first place, that people wont help me, wont be there for me, etc.wondering if others can relate or have been through similar experiences and stuck it out or left and found leaving was helpful or found sticking was helpful. thanks.