Posted by Kath on November 13, 2009, at 21:48:48
In reply to Re: Therapy techniques, posted by goingballistic on November 13, 2009, at 17:42:11
Hi Kath!
> Thank you so much for your help. I am deeply touched by your beautiful post. You are so kind to have put so much effort in to helping me. It means so much to me that you would go through my entire post and reply to each statement that I have made. I will definitely go through each of your suggestions.~ ~ You're most welcome.
I just typed a huge reply & somehow lost it!!!
Darn!Once you get your babblemail turned on, you can bmail me if you like & I can give you some pointers on tapping if you like.
> How will I turn on babblemail?
~ ~ I think this will help you.
If not, try going to the Administration Board (Boards listed at bottom of page) & ask there.
When tapping, after doing the 'karate chop' opening sentences, I'd suggest trying to do all the tapping points, while talking out loud about the situation. "Darn, I wish they weren't living here. It makes me feel SO frustrated. They don't even seem to appreciate it! They treat me like a slave - do this/do that - reminds me of when I was in Grade 4 having to collect books each time after choir class. I felt like such a centre-shot with my new hair cut that I hated. I was SO angry at Bob Carter, saying I looked like a gnome. I was so angry at Mom for making me get my hair cut so short. I felt so ugly & so sad. And darn it - I'm sad that my life is being disrupted now! Sad & mad!" All the while, tapping. I also find it helpful to rate my feelings before and after.
~ ~ This is a good site: They have a newsletter & there are all kinds of ways to do tapping & people's ideas & experiences.
The links I sent you are basic stuff. Magnus' site has various videos of him that you can watch.
I didn't mean to totally put down the Course in Miracles. I'm sure it's very helpful for some people. And I also wasn't meaning to put down people wanting to grow spiritually. I think that's admirable.
So glad you have both the biofeedback & a new therapist!
Best of luck & feel free to babblemail me.
:-)) Kath