Posted by moonshadow on July 25, 2009, at 13:19:48
I hope this isn't too long - I'm new and just getting my feet wet here.
My current therapist has referred me out twice now- it breaks my heart. I saw her for about 9 months years and years ago, and recently saw her again for about 2 months. The first time in therapy, she referred me out because of dissociative stuff. I ended up being freaked out my my new t and dropped out, managed to get myself together for 8 years or so.
I began to see her again for what I thought was just marriage issues. Tons of s$%t came back, and the dissociation took on a life of it's own. My t did her best, but she simply doesn't have the skills to deal with what was going on. In the two months that I saw her, though, I was able to confide in her about some really scary stuff. I trust her so much, more than I ever have anyone else.
The psychiatrist/therapist (is that pdoc??) she referred me to is supposed to be excellent. I've met her twice, both sessions were background gathering sessions. I'm feeling okay about her, but I'm terrified about how she'll react when I dissociate, or when I tell her some stuff.
It took me forever to trust my current t. Any suggestions on how to facilitate a trusting relationship with my new pdoc? I'm so horribly scared about Monday (my last session with current t, and my first 'real' session with pdoc).