Posted by lucie lu on October 19, 2008, at 13:33:12
Something that twinleaf said in a recent post, that ruptures can be subtle and scarecly detectable, made me start thinking more about subtle influences like that upon therapy. I would like to know more about how others have experienced ruptures, especially the subtler ones involving their T's: how did one or both of you become aware of the rupture and how was it repaired? I would really like to be more aware of these subtle ruptures in my own therapy. There are times that I come away from a session feeling something I can't quite put my finger on. Sometimes these become apparent later on and can be brought up for discussion. But other times, the feeling is so vague and ill-defined that it never does get discussed. I wonder if the latter can't cause problems in the relationship if they are not detected and repaired?
Anyway, I would really appreciate it if anyone wants to share experiences of ruptures in therapy with me.
poster:lucie lu