Posted by JayMac on September 27, 2008, at 15:40:24
Question of the day:
Do you think your T really knows you? Do you think they know you on an intimate level? Like a similar way a best friend knows you? When you think about it, we spend quality (at least most of the time) one-on-one time with them.This past Thursday my T said that we are in the beginning stages of getting to know each other. And that we are in the "pre-attachment" phase of things. She said she's learning things about me all the time. I'm glad that she's acknowledging that there's a lot to know about me as a person, as an individual. But, at the same time, I wish she could fully know me already. But, then again, I have trouble *allowing* people to get to know me. I like to hide parts of me. Metaphorically, I wear my hoodie sweatshirt even when it's warm out. Even though it's safe, I'm still hesitant to come out and let myself be seen. I desperately want to be fully attached to her. Sometimes I feel I am, but other times I look for ways *out.* It's overwhelming, to me, to be attached to someone and have them attached to me. I get scared.
Can anyone relate?
Peace, love, and bullet proof marshmellows.