Posted by susan47 on August 29, 2008, at 13:36:42
In reply to I got an appointment for tomorrow, posted by lemonaide on August 27, 2008, at 16:57:52
> I left a message too to tell him what was going on and if it was okay to see him again this week. I dont' know if all the physical stuff is due to stress of the Tues. session. All I know is that I feel awful. It is even hard to eat for comfort because the cold sores on my lips are big and it hurts like heck. I never even had zits as a teenager, and now my face looks aweful, whiteheads, I look like a mess, all puffy faced. Maybe I am really sick.
> I just really needs some support right now, I just feel like I can't hold myself together.Support? Here you are. My face (and I'm an old lady of 51) still gets those things on it and I despair of ever having a clear complexion, but they say oily skin looks younger longer so maybe there's a plus in there.....I'm sorry you're going through so much stress right now. Maybe try a hot bath with about 8 cups of Epsom salts .. you can get it in bulk from mercantile supply places ... it's wonderfully relaxing for body and soul...