Posted by muffled on January 10, 2008, at 0:42:53
I was thinking, one of the things I like about babble is that it is an open public forum.
What you post is there for all to see.
I use bmail up to a point, but there seems to be probs that crop up with bmail at times. I have seen it several times in my time here, and its very hurtful to those involved.
So I just pretty much keep clear of it.
If its on the boards its there for all to see.Also, I had another point. What with there being quite a NUMBER of people posting here....and a fair group of 'regulars', well,that also provides satety, (as long as you posting and not bmailing)cuz if a converation seems to be taking a turn that is unhealthy, it is more likely to be noticed..... and CIVILLY!!! commented on. So that is a safety buffer as well.
In a small group format, things can get pretty messed up.
This IS after all 'the net', and in fact we DO NOT know who we are neccessarily dealing with....I think it takes time to build trust.
Just my thots.
I am NOT pointing a finger at ANYone. Just trying to help others be safe is all.
I am SO far from perfect, so I can hardly criticize another...
Take care, be safe.