Posted by wishingstar on May 4, 2007, at 17:19:29
In reply to Re: How do you know?, posted by wishingstar on May 3, 2007, at 22:57:49
I saw Laurie today and talked to her about whats going on with Ginny and what I should do. At the end, her conclusion was that it sounds like it's not that I'm being resistant or causing the problems, but that Ginny just isnt able to understand and/or give what I need. She said it sounds like I've been trying really hard and she said she was impressed. That was very nice.
I see Ginny again on Monday. Laurie encouraged me to ask Ginny straight out, "do you think you can help me?" Then pay attention to her body language and what she says and make a decision from there. But based on what Ginny has said to me in the past, which I repeated to Laurie, Laurie thinks Ginny feels like she cant and doesnt know what to do. I think shes probably right.. I'd been having that feeling ever since we switched to once a week and she kept pushing the "you can go somewhere else if you want" idea. Laurie also encouraged me to ask her if she's scared.. I cant for the life of me remember her exact reason for thinking I should ask that was though. I'm going to ask at least the first question on Monday and see what happens. Havent necessairly decided to quit but at least now I feel like I'm not totally crazy to be feeling this way. She also told me to ask Ginny what she thinks my part in this is and be ready to hear it.. which I am, and will do.
I told Laurie how I just dont think I can start over again. She asked if I'd considered moving up to her area (where I used to live).. because it's a bigger city and has more options, but also so I could go back to therapy with her. I've told her that's what I wish I could do. But it's just not possible right now, unless I moved back in with my parents, and that wouldnt be good for me. I do need to get out of this area though.
She also apologized for our last session where I felt like she told me I was worthless at my job. She said she didnt realize she'd come across like that (I emailed her to tell her afterwards) and that it'd really made her think about how she was doing therapy and choose her words more carefully. Neat. I wasnt even going to bring that up but it was nice that she did. Then she complimented me a lot on the things I have done with my one client and seemed genuinely happy for me.
She gave me a hug when I left. It was very nice. I felt heard and it was really good to get some of that out today. I feel relieved.