Posted by widget on February 26, 2007, at 17:44:04
In reply to Re: Widget re:your T, posted by muffled on February 26, 2007, at 13:16:14
Dear muffled, well, you are kind of harsh but its interesting. I should clear up few comments: when I said it was human to feel an unsolicited sexual attraction toward another, I certainly did not mean to act upon it. I meant to acknowledge it. There is a big difference. As far as "not going there" seeming to be highly repressed, it does, especially for a psychiatrist who has been through analysis. What is he afraid of? Of course, he says he is not afraid. But, your point is also right that it is none of my business. And, I am a good person, a very good person, a very sensitive and other-directed person with great empathy for anyone who is suffering. Why do I need to be validated by knowing my therapist could be sexually attracted to me? I don't know. I just do. I will not get what I want but I do know my own mind and heart. And, I do think he "loves" me in the agape sense and I know he looks forward to our sessions and that I am his most special client. And, that is a lot. hmmm. ok, hope you are doing all right. I'm just not as "in your face" as you in style but you sound like a good person, too. Oh, and, no, not being attractive does NOT make anyone less worthwhile. This is just me about me. I'm truly sorry if I offended you or anyone. I work hard to accept others as they are and where they are. Its just me that I ask so much of. Widget
ps thanks a million for your posts! I have not had anyone to talk this over with except the therapist and I cannot see him in unbiased way.