Posted by wishingstar on January 9, 2007, at 10:57:54
I think I'm going to be sick! You wont believe this.
Just in a whim I decided to check my health insurance website where I can look at all my claims and their status. I have a lot of trouble with them so I like to check regularly to make sure things are progressing as they should with some medical bills I have from a hospitalization last year.
I clicked the first one, it said $112 had been paid on Dec 14, 2006... TO ANNE!! Anne and I had submitted claims way back.. maybe last January (2006) or so? And they were denied because of the pre-existing condition clause. So we worked something out and I payed her out of pocket at a reduced fee ($45 an hour rather than $70). And that was that. I never resubmitted anything and neither did she, as far as I know. I didnt owe her one penny when I finished with her.
So what is this all about? I dont get it. I guess over time and more processing they decided to cover it after all. With my insurance company, that doesnt surprise me at all - theyre crazy. I called them just now and they assured me that the $112 was the only time she had been reimbursed. They said it was for two claims - one on August 28 and another on Sept 6. I looked in my old calendar book and I did see her on both of these days. So she must have submitted to insurance again. Otherwise, how would they have known? The last day I saw her, just before being dropped, was actually that second date. Sept 6. I went into partial a few days later. Now, my insurance did roll-over into the second year of coverage on Aug 25, and we may have discussed hoping that it'd now cover therapy with her, since sometimes preexisting issue disappear then. We probably mentioned it, but I dont remmeber for sure. But still, shouldnt she have told me she was submitting the claim? And either way, now shes being overpaid, because I paid her my regular $45 for both of those appointments, and now shes getting reimbursed beyond the $70 even.
Now, I'm only 24 and not too skilled with insurance matters - if this makes sense to someone else, please tell me. I could be misunderstanding. But to me, it sounds like she resubmitted after I finished seeing her and never told me about it, and isnt planning to.
My second, and even bigger concern, is dealing with her now. No way in hell is she going to get $112 for free, even if I was paying her reduced rate and in one way do "owe" it because of that. It was the deal from the beginning. Given what we agreed upon, I dont owe anything, and given how she treated me, I'm not going to let it go. If it were Laurie, I'd let it go. But not Anne. I think I need to call her, but that is a fate worse than death for me. I dont want to talk to this woman for any reason at all. I know it'll bring up a lot of really strong, really hard emotions that I've been working so hard to let go. But it's also about principle to an extent, and about the fact that I only have a few hundred dollars in the bank now and could use that extra money she has, to a greater extent.
What do you all think? I'm actually feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about this. I dont know what to do.