Posted by pegasus on December 26, 2006, at 10:52:51
So, the most recent development in my work situation is that my department is going to get coached. Those of you who followed my work crisis last summer will recall that my boss gave my job to someone else while I was on vacation, then later tried to demote me, then later was forced by the CEO to give me a reasonable job. Then I developed a really bad attitude, which has been going on for the last few months. And the new person who came in to "share" my old job is annoyingly overconfident and naive and defensive. So, the three of us (me, new person, boss) have not been working well together.
So, they're bringing in a coach to help us solve our interpersonal problems. I suggested it, actually, when my boss asked how we could make progress (why is he asking me?). I told him I didn't think it was possible for the three of us to do it ourselves, and that we needed outside help.
The first "outside" help that we got was to all talk to our HR person. She then told us what the other people said about us (individually of course). Then she send out this hilarious/pathetic email:
Following is a summary of the key points of our individual discussions. The key points noted below summarize what each of you will look for from your team mate so that you can conduct your jobs in a professional, productive manner and receive the support of each team member. It is expected that each of you would begin to act on the key points noted below and exhibit those behaviors.
The key points are:
Peg suggests Boss could help her by providing:
-more direction; being clearer on issues and roles
-a clearer understanding of his priorities- e.g., delivery dates or customer focus
-a foundation/basis for decisions
-recognition of style differences - detail vs. big picture approachPeg suggests New Person could help her by being:
-more approachable, less defensive,
-more open to other ideasBoss suggests Peg could help him by being:
-open to new ideas; not react negatively
-a “positive force” e.g., publicly support final decisions of the team
-approachableNew Person suggests Peg could help her by:
-supporting the team
-being approachableI'm serious! That's exactly what it said! I changed only the names. It's like she has no idea how people work! And it's not even a very accurate paraphrase of what I said.
I meet with the coach tomorrow. Should be fun. I'm kinda looking forward to it.