Posted by wishingstar on December 6, 2006, at 22:01:17
For once, I have some good news to share. Something happened and it has left me feeling so good.
Laurie called me today. The old T that I saw this summer and liked so much. She called just to see how I was doing and say she was thinking of me. Unfortunately I missed her call because I was in the shower, but she left a message that was at least a minute long just saying she was thinking of me, hoped Ginny was treating me well, was glad to hear she wasnt the only crazy T out there (because I'd left her a message telling her something ginny did that I used to tease laurie for), wishing my happy holidays, etc. She said she'd like to hear from me and hear how I'm doing. I called her back and she didnt answer :( so I told her when she could reach me if she wanted to.. or else I'll just leave her a long message one day soon and tell her how I'm doing.
I am so incredibly touched that SHE called ME just to see how I was doing. It makes me feel so special and cared about. Like I'm more than just another check for her at the end of the hour. When I finished with her she told me I could leave her messages whenever I wanted and she may or may not call back, but I only did it once, and it was several weeks ago. I didnt want to be just some patient who wouldnt go away, or hang on inappropriately. But then she called me!!
Okay okay, it's a bit of an overreaction on my part. I know. But at least it's in a good way.
And the hurt and anger towards Anne are continung to fade. I still have hard, sad moments but overall, I dont care so much anymore. I dont need her. I certainly dont miss having her for my T. SHE is unprofessional and simply just bad at what she does, in my opinion. What I needed from her wasnt ridiculous or as crazy as I started to believe it was. I dont need that woman.
I just thought you guys might like to hear that. As terrible as things have been in the last few months, I'm feeling really good right now. :) There are wonderful Ts out there.