Posted by eyes2ursoul on May 11, 2006, at 6:20:47
In reply to My T has Gaydar, posted by DisposableDoll on May 11, 2006, at 4:08:18
You're 'GAYDAR' is very funny!
I think it's 'GAYDAR' built in to men because all men secretly think every woman is bi sexual. It's because they all want to have sex with 2 women at the same time, or at least in their own fantasy land they do.
And isn't it just like a therapist when you tell them something really important and deeply meaningful to you, and they say "I kinda already knew it anyway". How annoying can that be!
Just my opinion, and i know i may not please everyone here with my opinions, but please remember thats all they are - and i'm NOT trying to upset anyone by generalising, if you get my drift.
once again, very funny coming up with your ingenius term 'GAYDAR', i will remember that saying now for for a very long time and probably always smile when i do! Thanks DD for sharing!! P.s. hope you dont mind me calling you DD? No offense meant like.