Posted by pseudoname on April 6, 2006, at 22:50:05
In reply to Re: old memory » pseudoname, posted by special_k on April 6, 2006, at 20:44:29
[**CONTENT WARNING: possible triggers**]
> how many cases of csa are reported prior to 1800?
Oh, good point! Very interesting. Well— except for those that were culturally sanctioned, like with catamites and child brides.
We do get stories of adult rape and both adult and child murder, so presumably when instances of CSA were known, they were deliberately never mentioned. Very interesting.
Interesting also that (I'm pretty sure) there's nothing in the Hebrew Scriptures about “lying with children”. They covered same-sex partners, so why not that? Surely *it* would really be “an abomination unto the Lord.”
Surely bygone-era writers would've known about it, or would've imagined it. And it could've juiced up their stories. We have lots of antique stories of children being beaten. Why not sexually abused? They reported versions of bestiality, after all.
The absence of CSA is interesting... Someone must've written papers about this.
Of course, as you say, there are other traumas that are considered triggers of repressed memory, many of which are events of the sort clearly reported in ancient literature. Murder, fires, adult rape, pillaging, kidnapping, plague, wholesale slaughter of towns, etc. If these events had triggered repressed memory, writing about their recovery would not have violated any taboos, as it might've with CSA memories.
It just doesn't seem like Shakespeare or any of his rivals or those opera guys could've kept themselves from using this device in the plot of at least one play if they had ever heard of it or had an inkling that it could happen. When you consider all the oracles and magic potions and ghosts and dei ex machinis that they did resort to...
Not all the repression currently reported is from early (say, pre-10) childhood, is it? I don't really know.
> they are taking denial... to be the measure of repression. that means somebody needs to ask them about the trauma and they need to say 'no no no didn't happen to me' a fair bit... and then later to change their mind and say 'oh yeah i remember'.
From the posting, I think the McLean folk would accept someone simply self-reporting that they did not remember it earlier but do remember it now. They just ask for someone who's
> been unable to access the memory
not someone whose previous denial was on record.