Posted by Pfinstegg on October 15, 2004, at 15:01:08
In reply to Hey Pfinstegg, you're on a blog!, posted by Aphrodite on October 15, 2004, at 13:46:53
Wow.. definitely part of the (excessive) Information Age!
Did you find what you wanted about Schore? About a year ago, I found two excellent articles by him, which I was able to download free. Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark them. Phrases to try might include "Affect Regulation" and "Neuropsychoanalysis and the Right Brain (or Hemisphere)"
When I read these articles, and also the book "Affect Dysregulation and the Repair of the Self" (Norton- 2003), it made me think of those wonderful, so meaningful tuned-in moments with my own analyst, as well as all the ones many others have recorded here. Misattunement with one's therapist seems to be one of the most painful things people post about; it seems that everyone instinctively knows how much emotional "holding" and attunement, even, or especially, of the most painful, inchoate feelings, are needed for us to get better.