Posted by bell_75 on April 23, 2004, at 22:37:10
In reply to His Comments, posted by Speaker on April 23, 2004, at 8:54:52
> I asked the T if he was going to be close by...he said "within the 50 states". I thought it was rather sarcastic. I let it go but I wanted to know what the rest of the T's do and I will address it next week.
I think its within reason that a client wishes to know where or why their T is or has been absent. I have problems with assertiveness so i can't speak up really and say "where are you going?" or "why did you cancel last week?". I just hope I don't need to and that he fills in the blanks for me.
This reccently happened with me because at a session 3 weeks ago the following week it was a public holiday on the day i come so we agreed that i wouldnt come that day but the week after that.
So the week after that one...he cancelled for no reason. I went this week and he didnt say any remote reason why he cancelled when he knew i'd need to see him and i felt like he should've at least said something like "oh im sorry i had personal issues" or "I wasn't well" or "an emergency came up"..but he sort of dismissed it like it was no biggie.
Then at the end of this week's session he says "now...i mighten be able to see you next week, im not sure. But I'll let you know if I can't" and that was it. I feel insecure about his inconsistancy when up until now he has rarely canncelled.I don't know if this is sort of in the same area as T's going on vacation but I just wanted to say that I feel client's should have the right to at least know something about the grounds of your T's absence whether past or future or if they're going on vacation that they at least say where to and when they will be back and make sure their client feels comfortable.
Therapists should know coming into this job and field of work that it isn't your simple 9-5 job. On most cases your work will clash with your personal life and people who need therapy are mostly very vulnerable fragile people that may need to speak to them at any moment without notice.
It should be common courtesy that they make sure their clients have their contact information and know whereabouts they're going to be. Maybe not exact location down to the hotel room but just an idea of how far away. And also..if its very far away then a client could call the T's cell phone and get charged long distance rates without knowing it.
There's my two cents. Hope I was of some help :) good luck, hun.
~BellPS I think your T's sarcasm was unnecessary :/
When you asked if he was going to be 'close by' he could've said 'yes' or 'no I'm heading over north" etc. America is one big country. Maybe he just has insecurities or has had bad past experiences. Who knows with these enigmas.