Posted by fallsfall on February 17, 2004, at 13:39:17
In reply to very, very sad, posted by crushedout on February 17, 2004, at 11:23:58
I understand so clearly how you feel. My need is so huge that I'm afraid to see all of it - I think that it will swallow me up like a black hole.
I'm hoping that my therapist can help contain my need, and help me learn that if it doesn't all get filled that I WILL survive, and help me learn how to get the rest of it filled. In a way, this is "accepting" that we can't have it - but not just a mean "Too bad for you" kind of reaction - more of a learning to cope reaction.
Does your therapist know how deeply you feel about this (about how you feel like you will die without it)? I told my therapist yesterday - and I believe that he now knows how much I am hurting, and I believe that he will help me learn how to deal with this, and I believe that he is strong enough and skilled enough to contain my need so that it can't consume me. I'm still terrified, but at least I feel like he knows what is going on and that he will stay with me and keep me safe. If you haven't told your therapist how you REALLY feel, I think that you should. That's the only way that he will be able to help you.
You are not alone.