Posted by pixel on February 17, 2004, at 13:09:56
I've been seeing my therapist for nearly a year now and we don't seem to be getting any where - not that I'm the world's best patient. The main problem, though, is that she complains that I make her uncomfortable. I get very nervous in sessions and tend to shut down somewhat and she thinks that I transfer this feeling to her, which causes her to become braindead and unable to think - which she finds very uncomfortable...
Anyway I was mostly wondering if it was maybe time to give up on her, as I feel that having to hold your therapist's hand shouldn't really be my job - however I'm not sure that I'm not overreacting, being new to all this and as I'm not unduely in contact with my feelings I have no idea how I feel about any of this - so would very much appreciate some input from somebody else...