Posted by Lynn O on November 24, 2003, at 21:47:07
My 10 yr. old daughter has been taking Zoloft for approx. 45 days for anxiety disorder. This weekend, she had 6 seizure-type activities. The longest one lasted for 3 hours, and landed her in the ER, where all tests came back normal. I have read the current posts, and understand there is something called Elusive Putative Seizure Disorder, and am wondering if anyone has any info. on it, or links to sites that could give me a lot more info. I would also love it if anyone has had these, and could tell me of their experience or their loved ones experience with something like this.
She did not loose consciousness, and had varying levels of alertness, which ranged from a slight moan during the periods of more limb activity, to speaking breif words to answer us. The ER people think this is related to the Anxiety Disorder, since all tests came back fine, and she was able to control movements somewhat when asked during tests. I watched her eyes bouncing up in her head for 3 hours, and know she didn't make this up. She could not focus her eyes on me or anything else the staff asked her to, and replied with, "I'm trying to". I don't know if this is something along seizure lines, or Psychiatric lines. She will see the Psychiatrist tomorrow, but was curious what you all had to say. The first one began while we were in her room tearing it apart in an attempt to get some form of organization in there-which I can understand could cause a lot of stress. She was also anticipating an Endoscopy in a few days, which probably worried her. (I was having that done because all the Docs think the dizzyness and nausea she has felt everyday all fall is due to anxiety disorder. I wanted to make sure there isn't anything wrong with her stomach. She also has acid reflux, which I am now told can cause nausea. I just don't get why the anxiety is getting better, or I thought, but the nausea and dizzyness are not.) She also has Attention Def. Disorder and has been on Ritalin for over 5 years.
Can anyone tell me anything? At the end, she sat up on the stretcher, and looked around, observing all the equipment in the room, and said she was very hungry,and could she have something to eat. Her eyes looked VERY different now than they had for the pst three hours, and she was totally alert from that moment on. Legs started to twitch a little when standing up later to go home, got her back on stretcher, they slowed down, back off the stretcher to head home. On the way home, her legs were started jumping again, but not the other limbs or eyes anymore, so we chose to ignore it, so as not to upset her, and see what would happen. The shaking eventually stopped.
This is the first time posting here. Can anyone help me to understand this or figure it out?
poster:Lynn O