Posted by alysa on November 24, 2003, at 19:54:55
I'm hoping someone here can supply some sort of answers to my questions about the kind of therapy I have been subjected to (and quite commonly as well!).
I've stopped going, stopped trying, to get help with my depression because no matter who I see, no matter what kind of therapy I request, I always wind up with a therapist who demands that I "take responsibility". I psychologically flayed myself for years in the belief that if I could just be "responsible" depression would go away. It finally occured to me, after observing other "normal" nondepressed and rather irresponsible people that perhaps being irersponsible was not the cause of my problem.
Can anyone explain to me what the theory or purpose is behind a therapist who responds to all of the client's concerns and problems with "that's because you're not taking responsibility"?
I've noticed (rather painfully) that therapists don't like it when I point out their irresponsible behaviour...and promptly go into denial.
I can't seem to get help for abuse trauma.
Thanks for whatever knowledge/ideas/opinions you can offer,