Posted by fuzzymind on December 26, 2002, at 18:29:44
I got this. But also a smattering of other personality disorders. Too complicated. Not knowing where to start, Therapy didn't work. Bad combo of social anxiety, avoidant personaluty disorder , narcissistic peronality diesord( adopted the perosnlalti onf my abusrers), Can';t spell anymore.SO much regreet. Been reading message boards on oter sites of pepople who have been able to finish college, have careers, and struggle through, Struggled through hisgh school with straight a's and college, partially with good grades. Some idiot who told me my grades were no good or my sat's or mcats, or any idea I have is no godd, completely devastates me. Add all those up and I am what I am. Where and when was I supposed to learn self-esteeem? People always wanting to chop me down. Jealous Nazis. WHy does a dog lick his own testicles? It's his nature.Abusive Jewiswh and white kids...all my life. Never endijng river of pain and abuse. Why? God ? What the f*ck did I do so wrong beside be born.