Posted by omegaman on September 27, 2002, at 22:48:36
In reply to Creativity:psychosis:emotion, posted by Eddie Sylvano on September 22, 2002, at 12:06:31
I'm sure that other people have already postulated this idea, but after experiencing a very mild bit of psychosis last night, it occurred to me that full blown psychosis, such as is seen in schizophrenia, might just be a manifestation of a process that is active in everyone
Yes I postulated this idea here years ago..but I'll keep quiet about that....
but is typically highly regulated, and whose function is to generate "new" ideas (or images/music,etc).
Illness has not really got a function, All you see in Psychosis is desperate behaviour. A part of the wastage. The decay of thought as it gets laid bare spinning out fragments...Being a programmer, I tend to view the brain as being constrained to the same informational limitations as computers.
Don't ever think that. Programming traditionally is tied by nature to logical systems and tend to resemble left brain modelling which is 50% of whats happening. All the Languages I have seen so far just encourage structures and algorithmns. Fuzzy programming resembles Real thinking.Given that it is simply matter, it isn't imbued with the ability to generate novel information (that which is not an inhernet property of it's structure).
Its imbued with the ability to generate information, the novelty is a matter of perspective or abstraction. I mean whats novel ? the information, or how you view the information ?I imagine that perhaps the brain simply (like a computer) scans all of it's input for patterns, constantly, and on a subconcious basis.
I tend to think a repeating thinking in your thinking. Your opinions ringing my analysis bell that youre a left hemisphered thinker...Drrrinng Patterns being the givaway.
I was just thinking the other day how much I hate having to use patterns to make music.Many of the patterns it "sees" are incorrect (there isn't really a pattern), and these are typically discarded. However, in people with brain anomalies, such as inherent dysfunction (schizophrenia), or drug induced dysfunction, these ideas aren't fully suppressed, and are given relevance by the higher centers of the brain. Precisely because this is unusual, the patterns that result aren't typical (i.e., they are novel). It seems that schizophrenia occurs in a relatively high frequency of people relative to its debilitating features. It's as if evolution has given this flaw a pass, because at a low level, it can serve a useful function in an intelligent, social species.
I used to say this a while ago, having read stuff, however I was defending my own fragmented state and trying to see it as good. A bit of borderline insanity can be good in a bored society, but really you become entertainment fodder.
Shizo or any disorder like this as a sick brain reacting, throwing"in a relative manner" more half baked ideas quicker. Yes it can be measured as creative without the full function of the healthy individual to realise the fruits of his fragments, everyone else benefits. A free lunch.
What real use is this ? Most real creativity is done by teams of cognent individuals usually with slight degrees of impulsion. Whats creative anyway. Isn't most creativity just women talking ?It's obvious that the typical schizophrenic isn't very utilitarian, however, so I wondered what would govern the gradient of "functionality."
There must be an executive, or "logical" center of the brain
Youre falling into the trap of thinking your own neural structure on to your ideas. There is no center in the brain, and if there was it would'nt be logical.that allows some such people to evaluate psychotic ideas, and discard incorrect ones (much like a higher order version of the subconcious process). This deferral of the lower order to higher order evaluation would allow more patterns to be evaluated by the individual, with the more "rational" persons being able to successfully recognize quality ideas, and
the less rational appearing simply more disorganized (by presenting poor ideas).
Youre discussing ideas I had years ago here on this very forum, yet I was seen as a disorganized irrationalist by Dr Bob. Some of my poor quality ideas influenced a scientist to do some Neurogentic research.
youre saying this as a thinker who seeks the solid and hence your discussing how the neural nets on the left side look to converge to points or quality, good, superior, right etc etc. The question is, "is your thinking you or the language manifestation of your neural structure ?"
To me it is..and I predict as I read more of this I will see you seeking to looks for definites regarding the brain. I hate to dissapoint you but years ago I found out the the right hemisphere is a mess.
Neurons grow like a tree into neighbouring regions...But the good news is that the brain makes beautifull (to me ) sense. First of all you'll have to understand opposites, chaos theory, self organization (how consciousnous evolves). If you want some help just know that the brain is split 50% on the left where Neurons converge to points, and 50% right where Neurons branch eternally. The brain is a balance of opposites like many emergent things in many dimensions.
When you understand the opposites of thinking and perception and how they shape the Neurotransmitter systems, (just sticking to thinking in the Cortex) you'll realize how to seek the balance. Whats in the coretx is the result of the senses and society, and all the eternal opposites within.. sounds religious ?It is rationality, however, that I would define as intelligence
The ability of the brain to process more information in increasing complexity is a better measure of intelligence, and this definition spreads its story from the individual to society and possibly feeding back into something called "genetic" memory.
When I take omega 3 I become more intelligent by the way I can take in more information, rather than react, however if I take to much people get bored with me just doing nothing, and no-one visits me and so I feedback into myself, and just become a Psychotic with even more mental energy than before.I suspect that other central building blocks of the brain would be loosely define as gradients of emotion (which supplies motivation/restraint) and activation (which determines the level of overall activity).
> Let me tell you this. It makes it so easy.Look at the brain as a volume of flux lines, like iron filling over a magnet, and you start to see how Neurons split of. I think what happens is that the Nerurons on the right side are getting pulled by their counterparts on the left while spreading everywhere else. The neurology bears it out. All functions on the left side are mirrored on the right by on opposite but equal process, so on the left the region where syntax splits up into points of language, smears out into musical impressions... etc etc ..