Posted by alexandra_k on December 13, 2020, at 21:21:54
In reply to distribution, posted by alexandra_k on December 11, 2020, at 16:38:26
It kind of does make sense to bundle healthcare providers with people living in institutional care as the first round.
At least, the way I've been reading the story in the US it kind of makes sense.
There were calls for volunteers when the vaccines were in development. And healthcare workers volunteered, often. And healthy volunteers. And... As a volunteer maybe you got something ineffective. Or maybe you got nothing at all. Or maybe you got something unpleasant with side-effects. But volunteering was probably a good idea (if one was looking out for oneself in a narrow sense)...
If people target the vulnerable then it kind of... Well... It gets me worried that they are targeting them for nefarious ends. Because... That's how we do. Often. In society. For really really reals. So to bundle the most vulnerable with health-care workers... People who are informed and knowledgeable (presumably). Who are best placed to say whether it is a good idea to get a vaccine (presumbaly).
Who want them. Who have them. Who tell others about their experience.
It does make sense.
And to sort of bundle things like that. Roll out to more government workers. Teachers and police. And some more vulnerable people.
To sort of bundle.
I see.
Sort of. An inkling.
I can't think of a better way of doing it.