Posted by floatingbridge on December 21, 2011, at 1:53:23
In reply to Re: Corporations are not people my friend » floatingbridge, posted by sigismund on December 19, 2011, at 18:08:07
I hadn't seen that clip.
I recently looked up the word placebo. One origin was the term for hired mourners. The word meant 'to please'.
One day I was contemplating how trashed my state has become. Let me just say the ubiquitous plastic bag lodged in a tree or road side. Whatever. Plastic drink rings, etc. Pacific trash gyre. Then there is always the problem of my sucking life. So I am siitting by the bay, when a man maybe my age approaches, Asian, wants me to take his picture with the bay and the far mountains behind him. Turns out he is from North Korea, and he is almost holding back tears as he looks around us, exclaiming how beautiful it is. He's looking at me like I'm a millionaire.
I don't believe in things being meant to happen, but I believe in taking good advantage of accidents. I have never sunk to such disregard again. Saddness, anger, yes. There are frikkin trees full of bags on our freeway now. We do not haventhe tax dollars to send road crews out to pull the detritus of our senseless mania out of the branches.
I am living in someone's heaven.
It does not matter what has been made of us; what matters is what we make of what has been done to us.