Posted by bleauberry on March 25, 2010, at 20:45:12
In reply to New Health Bill Passed Ammended Hour Later, posted by Phillipa on March 23, 2010, at 1:05:59
Opinions follow. Strong. Be it known they are shared by a significant majority of americans.
This is a disasterous bill.
If I told you that many other countries have a program that sounds great on paper but in reality works poorly for the patients it was intended to help, you would want to try that right? Nowhere in the world has socialized medicine worked. Ever. Period.
We have the best health profession on the planet. That is due to the side effects of free enterprise and minimum government intervention. With government takeover, say bye bye to that.
You and your doctor will no longer be the ones who decide. A panel of white coats in washington will tell you what you can and cannot do, not your doctor and not you. Do you honestly think they are going to let you try that exotic combo you want, or the maoi you want, or brand instead of generic? Funny. Good luck. No, you will be restricted to the protocols their white coat teams deem to be your fate, based on percentage statistics, not individual response, flawed science, and primarily cost. The cheaper the better, doesn't matter if it's good for you or not.
People think this is free. Ha. Everyone is required to pay a premium whether you want it or not. If you don't, you pay a fine. If you don't, guess who comes looking for you. The IRS, which is hiring 10,000 new agents as we speak to do just that. Sounds like a third world dictatorship more than the USA I love.
Forget all the ugly details for a minute. Our government officials are elected to represent the will of the people who elected them. Every single poll shows americans are very much against this particular health care bill. The congressmen that voted for it knew that. They didn't care. They did it for their own power, not for you. They ignored the very people who elected them. They will pay a stiff price at election time. I hope they are updating their resumes. Tidal wave coming.
We really need health care improvement. Not a complete government takeover. Everyone including those that despise this bill know that we need things done. It's just that this bill does none of the things that need to be done, and instead turns over the best health care system in the world to a model that has failed every time it is tried.
Find a way to help those too poor, and leave everyone else alone. I happen to be happy with my health plan. I am pissed the government is screwing with it.
I feel badly for my children. They will grow up to a country much worse than I.
When was the last time any government program came in costing the same or less than predicted? Never. So when you see them lying all over TV saying how it will cost this or that, just know they are in fact calling you stupid. If any other goverment program is any indication, this one will cost minimum 4 times what is predicted.
They can't even effectively run a much smaller simpler program like Medicare, but think they can handle a monstrosity? What arrogance. Stupidity on display for all to see.
Insurance rates are going up real fast for several reasons. The biggest is this. Millions of people have lost their jobs and are now unable to keep insurance. The result is fewer people are paying the premiums. If you were the insurance company, and you lost a bunch of customers, you would likewise have no choice to but to charge more to your remaining customers.
The fault of that is too much government regulation and taxes too high.
The Reagan years. Here a guy hated by liberals took taxes on the rich down from 70% to 30%. In doing so, he created 350 million....yeah, jobs. Sounds pretty good about now, yeah? That's a lot of people to pay premiums and get costs down. A side benefit was that the tax revenue flowing to washington didn't shrink as liberals predicted, but instead doubled. Imagine that, lower taxes and make more money. Well, anyone with an elementary level of math and economics knows why that is. Our current government does just the opposite. Everything they do stifles growth of anything except themselves.
People can get way too much money from medical lawsuits for damages that weren't worth that much money. False claims. Greed. One third of the money you pay your doctor goes to his malpractice insurance. That's a major reason healthcare is so expensive. Tort reform is needed to bring costs down.
Competition always brings costs down. But people can't shop around. Can't shop state to state or take your insurance with you. There needs to be competition with no boundaries. That does not exist right now.
This healtcare bill actually had nothing to do with healthcare. It had to do with a far leftist ideologue who hates many things about america, someone who is a great lier and charming, whos intention is to get as many people dependent on government as possible. He sees the great history and freedom of USA as a crime, not a God given blessing.
When it comes right down to it, the best health care we can all do is right at home. Water filters. Heavy on organic veggies and fruits. Organic meats. Exercise. Low sugars. If you can't pronounce and ingredient label or know what it is, don't eat it for pete's sake. It's no wonder americans get such heavy health problems despite the best health care system in the world.
Which it is not any longer.
The whole thing is unconstitutional and I am sure it will be challenged. Already is actually, by many states and individuals. The constitution has no place for allowing the government to require citizens to buy any particular product or service. This is the USA after all.
Anyone who likes this healthcare bill doesn't know what is in it, doesn't know history, doesn't know economics, and is basically going purely on emotion. Obviously the phrase "health care for everyone" sounds beautiful and wonderful. That is an emotional response completely out of touch with the reality of this particular bill.