Posted by fayeroe on November 12, 2008, at 9:56:33
In reply to Re: Keith Olberman on Prop 8 » fayeroe, posted by yxibow on November 11, 2008, at 21:56:52
yxibow, I've never met a gay/lesbian person who was trying to push their lifestyle on the GP. (or was that the GOP?) :-) And of course, I now say that I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends. And I do.
I grew up in the era where I didn't even hear about gay/lesbians and didn't know that there was an alternative lifestyle until I moved to Dallas, to work, at 16.(I'm 65) After I went to school and married, I lived in Lawton, Oklahoma and helped elect a gay mayor. He served 6 years on the City Council previous to being our mayor. My home was threatened, my children were threatened (had to take them to my parent's home for duration of campaign) and someone wired my pickup up. We had the election watch party at our house and received threats that night via telephone. I saw all of that as ridiculous posturing by homophobic and small-minded people, who probably didn't even live in the city limits. The election proved that Lawton has a lot of people who aren't prejudiced towards gays and I still consider it a victory for gays and friends with open minds. Dan implemented tons of programs for the city and worked the hardest on improving the city's education system. He was a fantastic advocate for all citizens. He had no prejudice towards anyone.
I'm very sorry that you've had such a hard time through your lifetime. I'm here. We need less prejudice in our country and I will always work against it.
I am also opposed to churches that tell me "our way or nothing". If we want to talk about someone pressing their lifestyle upon us...we can start with a lot of organized religions. But we can perservere over that nonsense. I have more pity than anger towards those organizations. It has to be hard to be perfect.
I also have a statement about anti=abortionists. I always ask my sisters how much they have donated to help the thousands of abused, tortured and homeless children who are born here every year. I also ask when was the last time they babysat and gave the mother a much needed break. They have no answer for that and I seriously doubt that 1% of the pro-lifers can say that they've pitched in to help those children and parents.
xoxo Pat