Posted by tealady on May 26, 2006, at 20:19:11
In reply to The Long Withdrawing Roar » Estella, posted by Declan on May 21, 2006, at 2:35:40
> It is no doubt true that atheists are as good as anyone else; they could well be better. In the transition from a religiously based society to a different one, the habits of thought associated with religion can be grafted onto belief systems without the kinds of safeguards religion normally offers. I see Nazism and Marxism-Leninism in that light. No doubt there have been others. So my fear relates to change, more than any particular ideal. Things can always get worse.
> Declanhmm ya didn't see that cartoon about airport security where they were only letting atheists board planes? Not likely to be any martyrs among atheists.. and seeing as this IS the politics board, if everyone was atheist it sure would prevent a lot of this stuff..
I think ya have to have some belief in some kinda rebirth or afterlife to willingly throw one's life away, unless of course you wanted to end it all I guess:)I just wanted to say that most people in every society throughout history and prehistory seem to feel this need for a religion or to belong to some group maybe, and be directed in how to think. Even in the most ancient of societies. It seems to be a human need maybe to have some belief in a life after death or a greater power?
That's what sad for me in a way, I just can't seem to accept anyone making guidelines for me to follow. I've always questioned.. well since about 13 years old anyway! And I can't see how I could ever follow any defined religion OR similarly as you say any cult and political doctrine enforced as rigidly..e.g. Marxism, Fascism etc
I think you're right its just replacing (in varying degrees) one set of guidelines to live within, with another set of guidelines.
Thing is.. everyone maybe except me! seems to feel a need for these guidelines.
Do they really believe them? or is its they go along to be part of the group and don't really care , so just pretend or don't care?
The Khmer Rouge was similar. I remember them executing a young teenage couple who fell in love and wanted to marry.. the party was supposed to say who could love (marry) whom. Kinda thought control to the extreme some of these political groups?
Nice to read some of the posts here guys.
AND I can't see what was wrong with Estella's post either. When individuals aren't entitled to their own opinions, thoughts .. is there something wrong with the system.. or is it another form of this group thing I just don't get???!!!Hugs, Estalla (I reckon you were 100%in the right). Thanks for still having an opinion of your own, even if I don't think people can survive without defined religions or something to replace them. I've no idea why though. I can, but as you said, I DO feel this spiritual stuff and WAY too strongly too sometimes:-)
Ya know, they say the ability to form a religion or political grouping or some belief grouping is what distinguishes humans from other animals.. say dogs.. ??? Guess that's why I like/understand dogs:-) They seem to be able to love unconditional and feel and think without having any rules to follow:-)