Posted by Gabbix2 on November 18, 2005, at 18:04:55
In reply to Re: just one more... » AuntieMel, posted by cricket on November 17, 2005, at 15:37:53
> However, the problem is so much deeper than that.
> And right now I am speaking from my own personal experience and not from any statistics or sociological study or anything like that.
> When you live in a neighborhood where it's almost impossible to get decent food (fresh produce or bread) and everything is fast food or chemical ridden sugar laden indefinite shelf life cr*p...
> When you work at a mind numbing job for 10 hours a day ...
> Then ride public transportation (standing, jammed in like a sardine) for another two hours ...
> When you come home to a cramped apartment with a bunch of other people and you have nowhere to go to be alone and think for a moment...
> When everything is noise and dirt and bad smells ...
> When your only form of more mind numbing entertainment is a television that parades images of glamor and glitz and incredible wealth before your very weary eyes ...
> When you lie in bed at night and listen to the gun shots...
> Then someone could give me all the lessons in money saving in the world but you know what I still want those jeans that are way too expensive and that fancy coffee latte junk and even that Ipod because you know what for one moment that makes me feel okay, that I'm like other people.
> I know many would say I'd be better off saving that $100 or $1,000. But $1,000 is not going to get me out of here, not even $10,000 will do that. $100,000 - maybe? But where in the world would that come from?
You spoke for me too there Cricket.
(Though I don't deal with gunshots, I'm so sorry you have to)
Things are getting much better for me, Still there are *many* times I cannot not afford laundry, or tampons, or aspirin or even polysporin and bandaids when I have an infection..things other people just have on hand.
I was *so* harrassed about my very occasional coffee out, (maybe once every two months)
And I remember thinking, they have no idea, for that half an hour out, in that coffee shop with the lovely atmosphere, I feel like part of the world, I feel human, and it keeps me alive.I realize you are not on assistance, I am.
And I have to say that those "mysterious" people out there who prefer assistance to working (having others tax dollars foot the bill for them while they are a couch potato) must be selling drugs, or have another form of illicit income, because with all the time you have, there is nothing you can do with it. What, go shopping?Go out with friends for drinks? HA! You don't even look forward to meals because you can only afford crap. And you can't afford cable to watch t.v while you're being the so called "couch potato" If you are doing something with it, something worthwhile, like volunteering well where's the problem?
Besides, welfare recipients as far as I'm concerned are more than those on what's considered public assistance. It's not uncommon for a politician, after 2 years in office (or less in some cases) to retire with with a yearly salary in the triple digits, even when they've been forced out because of impropriety. That to me, is nothing more than welfare.