Posted by rjlockhart37 on May 31, 2022, at 19:56:30
In reply to save, posted by rjlockhart37 on May 23, 2022, at 22:07:12
jesus said come to sinners and bring them to repeteance, of their sins, letting them know even though the sin is pleasurable and comfortable almost everyday activity, that it's a sinn, written, and without being saved and you die in your sins, there's a terrible place, and price to pay for doing them. The world...doenst care to know anout, the punishment of what sins do, sins will lead you to the underworld, people do sins and don't even know it, because it's almost everyday life in a sinful society. Most...people are on the highway to the underworld after death. This is not to insult, or anyway demean others, but it's ... the world is on a highway to hades, aftr death. I won't say no more, i'm a runt, not a pastor, but i do know that to be saved before death. just repent, that's all, and do true repentance, and have faith and hold on to jesus christ, he will save sinners from hell, and outer darkness. Do goodness, everything you do is seen and recorded in book, there's nothing hidden. Get corruption out of the soul, get blackness, and all sinful, and hateful things that cause evilness and corruption. End of log
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder