Posted by rjlockhart37 on April 13, 2022, at 18:49:59
In reply to Re: new world, posted by rjlockhart37 on March 28, 2022, at 1:40:13
im back, i've been seeing pictures of jesus on pintrest, that he is holding lambs, and treating them with absolute goodness. It said i think in scripture that you have to be little children (this is not literal) but you have to have a soul, that is accepted jesus, and that he would save you on the last day. Judgement day, which is going to be a long time from now, but none of the things of this world, the money, the material things, or social status, its going to be your soul, that will matter. Richest person on earth, their soul matters and you cannot take the money, after death. Thimk of it this way...when you die, this timeline, or this world, you leave ... and you go through reviews of your life, and then its determined if you lead to destruction. I'm not going to preach about people not making it to heavan, no im a runt, i have no therology degree, or well known. But all i know is that we have save you, whoever you are your soul matters and save from eternal danmation after death.
To save a soul, matters more than material things. Anyway, rich or poor, some people say to give amd do charity work, give to the poor, good works. Yes that's good, but also you have to be saved. Rich or poor, it will matter about jesus christ saving you. A human life on average, can live 85 years, that's usally the time when the body starts shutting down, or in your 90s. Think of this way, 90 years out of forever, which there is no end. That is what will happen, as christains we have to tell the truth, save people. Your works, in private even when no one is seeing, what you do is recorded in your book. The book is your works, your sins, your deeds, everything. It's in scriputre, what you do in private is recorded, nothing can be hidden. So, that is not to offend anyone, but to tell them, that is what happens. Jesus christ is going to save you on the last day, if you go to him and give up evil ways. Follow the laws of the lord, that was back in the old testement. The 10 commandments, yes those are the laws, thou shall not speak false words, thou shall not hate someone who has more thinggs, thou shall not do conspiracies, etc.
It's jsut jesus christ will save you, go to him and pray, you don't have to give up money, there is some christains that say give up your money, no, you jsut pray, and repent of your sins, and ask jesus through prayer to save you and be a follower of goodness. Do things that god would see as good, and that also is private thinggs, there is nothing hidden that you can do. It's recorded. So, goodness this is mess, but repent of your sins, and know that there are false doctrines that are going to decieve you, and you will end up in a terrible place. To want to get the truth, and nothign false teachings or deception. To be clean, and have goodness. Know, if you think this is not true, think of this as writins, and not actual preaching. This is blog, not preaching, but look at what im trying to say. Is to show what happens after death, and show people of that horrible place people go to, after death. Ask the holy spirit, what is true and what is not, even this blog if you think there falsivity in it, then reject. There doctrines of devils, that will decieve you, and were trying to say follow the narrow path, because it leads to life eternally. Your valuable and don't forget it
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder