Posted by rjlockhart37 on December 15, 2021, at 17:33:21
i'm drunk, i drnak because i'm depressed and to get away from reality. I'll write what i feel, i've been isolated from society, and only my girlfriend. I work on my own and do things, through research. I've put together binders of what i studied. I've gotten to a point where ... i feel only resort is supernatural power being manifested. The reason you don't see people who have extra-ordineary capabilites is because it would change society. Think of having ability to teleport, or shapeshift, have psychologcal abilties that are above normal, you can see things before they happen. But there are supernatual powers, where move objects with just touching hand, moving them around, closing doors, there usally under the magic, and magic comes with a price. I'm a christain and frequently pray, feel like prayers arjnt awnssered. The ability to manipulate objects and matter, usally is under magic capabilities. And to get those abilties, first it's in private, and you have to either practice occult arts, or do other things that should not write. Speak the truth, hold on to goodness, even when it's inconvient, it will show you have goodness inside you. The way your treat people and animals, show's goodness of evil inside the soul. I feel like asking supernatural forces ot help me is the last option, no i don't see thinggs that are not human, but i know there's higher forces. I dont know why im wrting this, i'm a bit tipsy but writing thoughts i would not say sober. Feeling being isolated, supernatural options would be a way, learning about above natural human abiltkies. Ok, this is it no more, i'll write more when i've sobered up. I drank because i was depressed from something that happened today, don't do evil things, do goodness, because it will show if you have goodness inside you. End of log
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder