Posted by Dena on January 1, 2008, at 21:00:49
Happy New Year, everyone...!
It's been a good, long while since I posted here -- I've been busy elsewhere, enjoying the journey with God, learning, UNlearning much of what I'd previously learned, and having just about everything that CAN be shaken, GET shaken.
It's good, for if it can be shaken, I want it gone... and if it remains, it can't be shaken.
I read a book this year that rocked my world, messed majorly with my theology, and generally altered my life. It's somewhat of a phenomenon, managing to sell over 48,000 copies, within a few months, even before it was published... all due to word of mouth -- a feat which no other book in recorded history has done.
Anyway, if you're interested, you can read the forward and the first chapter here (click on "Read"): It's called "The Shack" (read the reviews with the paperback version, which came out first), and it'll be made into a movie...
(but you don't want to miss the book... go read the reviews at to get an idea of its impact)
It starts with a heart-wrenching tragedy, and then this guy gets an invitation, from God, to spend a weekend in a shack with Him... and God is presented in a way that's hard to describe, but a way that touches a place of deep longing...
It's admittedly hard to get through the first 5 chapters (because of the necessity of getting us in touch with the universality of pain)... but SO worth it -- the conversations between this guy and God are astonishingly breath-taking (the conversations are actual ones that the author had with God while journaling... and he wrote the story to give them context, and to draw the reader in).
I could say SO much more, but I won't... if you're so led, check it out. At least read the reviews, and get a taste of the joy that people are experiencing...
Shalom, Dena