Posted by Lou Pilder on July 4, 2012, at 6:42:27
In reply to Lou's request-gudphoardahkumuntee, posted by Lou Pilder on December 2, 2010, at 10:00:37
> Mr. Hsiung,
> Now there is another outstanding notification from me. I am asking:
> A. That you post in the thread your rationale for allowing that statement in question to stand, if that is your intention to allow it to stand. If you could, then the membership could make their own determination as to why I have posted the reminder to you that there is the outstanding notification along with other determinations that they could make arising out of any answer that you post there.
> B. That if you are making the decision not to post your rationales for allowing the statement to stand,if you are going to allow it to stand, to post in the thread in question why you will not do that. If you could, then members could make their own determination as to why your terms of service(TOS) in regards to that you state that you will either post in the thread or email the member using the notification procedure as to your rationale for allowing the statement to stand, as to why I have posted these reminders of outstanding notifications to you.
> C. That if your reason for allowing the notification to go this far as that a reminder is posted to you is that you are {busy}, could you post what that means in regards to that you are posting here after the reminders are posted and stilll there is no action in the thread or emnail to me with your rationale to allow the statement in question to stand?
> D. That if there is any potential at all for someone to be injured emotionally or psychologically, or even die because the notification is outstanding, by the statenment being allowed to remain unanswerd by you according to your TOS, that you post here what your rationale could be to say that since you are busy it will remain outstanding while you post concerning things that have come up after I sent the notification?
> E. Since there are many, many outstanding notifications from me, and outstanding requests, could you post here your meaning of your tos in regards to that you do what will be good for the communty as a whole and you say to trust you and that you want to be fair?
> Lou PilderMr. Hsiung,
In regards to your reminder provision, the above. I am also including the following requests.
F. What criteria do you use, if any, to post to others now on the board while my requests/notifications remain outstanding?
G. Would you be willing to post here why your deputy has also not responded to my outstnading requets/notifications, if you know?
H. Would you agree that children reading this site could be influenced in their thinking about Jews as a result of that there are numerous outstanding requests from me to you that I think have the potential to arouse antisemitic feelings as long as those posts in question that IMHO have that potential, remain outstanding?
K. Would you agree that if a statement here that has the potential to arouse ill-will toward me is allowed to stand, that others could be encouraged to also post what could arouse ill-will toward me?
L. Would you agree that (redacted by respondent) as in the historical record when persecution of the Jews was encouraged by (redacted by respondent).
Lou PIlder
poster:Lou Pilder