Posted by Lou Pilder on November 10, 2010, at 7:00:56
Mr. Hsiung,
In my bringing up of past posts, I have found many posts that I see as different from when they were originally posted. They have additions, deletions, modifications and other aspects that I would like to know about. If you could post answers to the following, then I could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
A. Do you change the wording of posts?
B. If not, do you authorize another to do so?
C. If you do change the wording on your own, why are not members notified of any alteration of a post that they also posted in the thread, for it would be a new post, would it not?
D. If you delete posts, why also are not the members that were in the thread notified of any deletion?
E. If you alter the wording of posts here, (redacted by respondent)
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder