Posted by violette on July 22, 2010, at 23:15:26
In reply to Re: PB - The Internet Asylum, posted by violette on July 22, 2010, at 22:02:35
Be the change you wish to see - be your authentic self, stand by your beliefs, be true to your self...
Be the change you wish to see - be one of Pavlov's dogs...conform to society, give up your beliefs and individuality...and CBT can help you get there...
"Becoming the Change you Wish to See"
Therapy Session with new CBT Therapist
Part I
=========================================CBT Therapist: I saw you on the Today seemed a bit upset-what's going on?
Crystal Renn: I'm really upset the editor went and changed me like that - what's wrong with me the way I am? Why do people have to change me to suit their needs?
CBT Therapist: Crystal, remember how we had this discussion before? You have to get along with your coworkers, your behavior is important here; for your self growth...for your own good..and you have control over this-you are not powerless....
Crystal: But that's just it-I have grown. I have grown to accept myself for who I am, and what my beliefs are. And if who I am is not good enough, then don't you think the magazine-the one who took the effort to change me-is the one with the problem here?
CBT Therapist: Crystal, that's distorted thinking-and you are playing the victim here. Put yourself in the editor's shoes-they have to play their part in the industrial-beauty-complex; otherwise, people will no longer spend billions trying to obtain perfection. Don't you think, Crystal, that it's possible that you might be thinking only of yourself here? What about all the jobs of those in the makeup industry? The weight loss industry? The plastic surgery industry? Don't you think you are being too hard on others by continually disrupting the status quo?
Crystal: But I do care about their jobs..but really Ralph Lauren makes over $10 million a year-there seems to be plenty of money to go around for jobs such as pay for the photographers...the secretaries..the make up artists..But I care more about women who may be struggling at 'not being good enough', you know, seeing size zero's all around....that's not healthy or normal. Size 10 is normal, but the beauty industry promotes unobtainable perfection through these tactics. I had an eating disorder as a result with my internal struggle for control, but I am free of it now. And want to help other women feel free too..isn't the principle what's important here? Isn't what's best for women-self esteem and emotional priorities-more important than Ralph Lauren's $10 million salary?
CBT Therapist: Crystal, perhaps you are not seeing the reality here. Your emotions are causing negative thoughts-which we will have to work on obviously have conflict with them in your relations with coworkers and critics in the's affecting your job and perhaps you need to change the way you are thinking about this so that you (cut off by patient)
Crystal: But T, I care about my self respect too. If I let others change me, how could I respect myself? And if I don't respect myself, who will ultimately respect me? And shouldn't other women accept themselves, rather than want to change to fit the standards the industrial-beauty-complex wants to promote? I mean I grew stronger overcoming my eating disorder-I fought the internal struggle and won. I put myself in the shoes of other women and want them to feel that freedom to. I mean, why is the magazine's behavior here ok, but mine is not? All I did was stand up for who I am-my beliefs-my self...
CBT Therapist: But Crystal, your emotions are taking control. I understand it can be disappointing, but if you don't change your thoughts to appease the status quo, it's going to cause continual problems.
Crystal: But that the problem in the first place...the status quo. Everyone on the beauty industry knows this...and how does one make positive changes in society if I the important issue here is my changing my way of thinking to appease others; where avoiding conflict, to fit in with others is more important that the principle-the message I am trying to convey to young women?
CBT Therapist: Crystal, you cannot let your emotions run astray like this. Confict has occurred once again...(patient interrupts)
Crystal: Yes, but T, I feel passionate about being a role model for young women. I wouldn't even do this job in the first place had I not felt that I could inspire other women to let go of their insecurities....which could inspire other models to do the same...and contribute to changes to the industry..even if bit by bit..which would lead, eventually, to societal changes...I mean, if I go along with it-rather than fight it--this will never change....My message to other women is that you don't have to compare yourself to others so much...or strive for unobtainable perfection..I care about this cause....I've been there before..I can truly empathize with these young women..I want to be a role model...I feel like you are not understanding me here...and why do you want to change me too? I am firm with my beliefs and decision. T, It took me years to get to this point..where I am comofortable and content in my own skin...why should I have to change because there are people who want to stop me??? be continued.