Posted by glydin 2010 on June 26, 2010, at 18:27:38
In reply to Re: overgeneralizations are still uncivil, posted by Dr. Bob on June 26, 2010, at 0:51:10
I appreciate you responding. Since this is an area to ask questions, I would like to pose the following for clarification purposes as to what you would see as a sweeping statement...
IF a poster were to post:
"This _______ (insert med, med class, treatment) is____________!"
1) crap
2) sh*t
3) worthless
4) damaging
5) not for any human
6) never worksis that example sweeping?
I could name others but I think you get the picture..... I hope you keep in mind truth is not the issue I'm inquiring about. Also, please keep in mind the lack of wording for IMO or "feeling statements". This question is about civility and to some degree, sensitivity to other's opinions and experiences.
Not to be lost is I also do not consider the sweeping statements that certain treatments are great, always work and should be used by all to be allowable either.
Recovery - 5 years
poster:glydin 2010