Posted by Dinah on November 2, 2009, at 9:01:01
We were talking about this last night in chat, and while we don't have all the answers, we are trying to consider the question.
If someone tweets something, it goes to their own twitter webpage, and is distributed to their own followers. I assume that other than celebrities or politicians, twitter followings are very small. If you tweet someone and they really like it, they can retweet it to their friends. It is very specific in where it's sent. Like sending an email to someone with a hotmail account, the email is sent to the recipient, not to everyone at hotmail. Tweets are sent to the twitter account of the person tweeting and to their likely small amount of followers.
Once they are at twitter, can they be searched? Is searching common at twitter?
I can't see tweets going to that many people through the basic tweet process. I can't imagine many babblers would be comfortable about losing their anonymity and would no more tweet babble posts than they would register here under their real name. So other than a few lurkers or a few people who have duplicate twitter accounts, not that many people would want to tweet babble posts.
As far as retweeting, I can't imagine that would be all that likely.
I'm thinking that if someone was reporting a breaking news story from the scene, it could easily be tweeted and retweeted until it was widely distributed. But a babble post?
So would tweeting really increase risk of exposure except if someone who knew the poster was tweeting their posts? I do see other risks, but I'm wondering what the scope likely will be for privacy concerns?
And ditto for facebook.
Would regular users of Facebook and Twitter fill everyone else in on what the actual impact of this is likely to be?
Putting aside all other concerns for the moment and concentrating just on the chance for privacy violations as opposed to google?