Posted by fayeroe on February 27, 2009, at 9:58:11
In reply to Re: Lou's reminder to Mr. Hsiung-efctsnprsnt?, posted by Dena on January 8, 2009, at 1:30:50
> It looks to me that the solution is to stall, by not answering questions, thereby making a mockery of the stated guidelines, leaving things hanging until everyone forgets about them, and then allowing them to become part of the buried archives.
> From my perspective, there appears to be an inequitable bias in operation here ...
> *Why* are Lou's questions continually ignored?
> *Why* is an unjust situation allowed to continue?
> *Why* are this forum's stated guidelines ignored by those who run and moderate this forum...?
> (i.e., the inept and moot notification system -- I've supposedly recieved a response, but have not; shall I add my voice to Lou's for the next ... ohh, let's see, 4 years and counting?)
> Shalom, DenaNow if we could just be administered a drug that killed our memories...everything would be hunky-dory. I have had the experience, over the years, to see that hope springs eternal when it comes to the sticky business here.....