Posted by fayeroe on December 6, 2008, at 17:56:26
I realize why I try to stay at Politics most of the time.
This board rarely solves any of our problems. Oh yes, we can come here and type and type and type and say all of these extremely well thought out posts and what happens?
We post more and more of these fantastic thought out posts and nothing happens.
Dinah adds as much as she can (cause I think Bob is unfair to her and doesn't help her out) and she probably starts staring at her wall and wishing that she could just pound her head on it when things turn sour.
Maybe, Dinah, your thoughts don't run that direction but mine sure do. Though, right now, I'd turn loose one of the Angus bulls that I've been helping my friend with and watch Bob ignore that problem. (Angus are little fighters....)
So, my solution is that I'm not coming back to this board except to read. Too much fodder here for Bob..
Thanks, Dinah