Posted by karen_kay on March 10, 2008, at 11:51:15
In reply to Priorities, posted by Toph on March 9, 2008, at 22:16:13
you know, the way i found this place is through starting therapy and wanting to find info about all that stuff. and in the time i've been here, i've continued to be a part of this community for all of the reasons you listed, at varying degrees (well, except control. unless you're suggesting control over something in my own life? i suppose i can control whether someone has an uber sh*tty day by blsting them, but beyond that i don't really have any control over anythign here. and to be completely honest, i like a little bit of chaos on babble. hey, that makes for great tv folks :) so civility and control are very low on my continued reasons to post and sometimes hinder my posting ability, especially when i'm blocked!). when i first came here (oh dear, you started a rant!), i was seeking info, friendships, a place to share my experiences and get feedback. and now, i check babble religiously, out of habit. and i like to know how people here are doing, because i really do care about people here. but, unlike when i first started coming here, i'm starting to post less frequently, only when i feel the board needs a lift or when i need something. maybe that's just me though, with different priorities, a bit more stability, and a HUGE block waving over my head?
ok, here's my list:
controlif i had to speculate what mister bob's list of values were this is what they'd be. however, my idea of civility and his i'm sure are very different, as are control, ect. honestly, i'm madly in love with mister bob and am raising his love child, so i have no beef with the man (other than the fact that he won't pay child support!!!), and i realize he started this community for a reason. and hey, at leat he's workign with us here! he did put those auto** thingies in, for those of us who lovie to swear, so we wouldn't get blocked, you know? but, here's the dr's list, as i see it:
experimentation (not like, 'oh, i'll disappear for a while and see what happens' experimentation either) geez, i'm going to justify each response now...
information (duh, this whole site is used to gather info, no? and he's got my bra size memorized!)
civility (while i'm not a big fan personally, of course this is a large priority! check how many times this word is used! plus, i can't say i would have stayed around as long as i have, if there weren't some sort of guidelines for civility.)
friendship (i know you aren't laughing! honesty, this is where i think it fits in. he may not say it, but i know he adores me! and i'm not overly confident :) honestly, i think he makes friends here, even if he doesn't outright say it. he wouldn't spend money to travel and see them, if he didn't would he? of course, i don't think he considers me his buddy, nor is he looking for friendships with this website, but i do think he genuinely cares about us (me more than others :), and these 4 are the highest values.)
expression (he did add 'now, it doesn't mean i don't like you' before the pbc, didn't he? see, he's working on it! things take time!)
control (i guess with rules comes control, but i don't think it's a priority for him. honestly, i don't.)
entertainment (i highly doubt most of this stuff is entertaining to him, you know? i can only hope he finds some of it entertainly. actually, i wonder what parts he would find entertaining? mister bob???? probably the meds page. actually, i bet he comes home from a long day at the office, drinks a bottle of wine, whiel reading the latest posts on the meds board, with reo speedwagon blasting in the background. hmm, maybe this should be number one?)
therapy (i only list this one higher than the rest because maybe it's therapuetic to block someone? i don't know? i can't see how any of this is therapuetic for him!)
support (ha. actually, he emails me daily for support!)
candor (wouldn't you really like to know what he's thinking? what if one day there was a block that read, 'actually, i don't really like you!'?)
that's really the way i see it, from his standpoint. honestly, i think he does a pretty kick *ss job. if i were in his position, could you imagine what this place would look like? (wipe that smile off yoru face toph! no more free pics for you!)
i oftentimes wonder if there's a poster on here, who's actually mister bob, just because he needs someplace to vent, because of this place, you know?