Posted by Lou Pilder on December 29, 2007, at 10:42:42
In reply to feeling sorry for phillipa, posted by star008 on December 28, 2007, at 21:46:31
> This was only Phillipa's opinion of blood pressure cuffs. She was giving an opinion based on her years of experience at work..Surely, that counts for something. I can't see who she could have insulted. I too work at a hospital and have seen many times where a manual cuff was used when an automatic one couldn't pick up a pressure. It is like saying a manual thermomter is better than an automatic one..Am I not getting this?? Who cares?? We are speaking of objects here. Not people. IMHO this call was not right and I feel very sorry for Phillipa..She must feel terrible for getting blocked for writng something that she had no idea was wrong.
It is written here,[...I can't see who...who cares...I feel very sorry...writing something that she had no idea was...].
You see the crux of this issue here. You see, I can not find any sanction to the use of the phrase, {more often than not}here. It has been used here over and over without sanction.
Does this not bring up a question as to why there is a sanction to Phillipa and not to those previous that used the same phrase?
I feel sorry for Phillipa also, and there is much more to this because there are issues IMO that could involve all the members here from the action that Robert Hsiung has taken toward Phillipa here.
First, if there has not been sanction to the phrase untill when Phillipa posted it, then is it not something that Phillipa and others could have thought that it was acceptable to write the phrase here? This leads to questions that I could have in regards to the concept of:
A. entrapment
B. ex-post facto
C. questions as to the TOS here
D. why Phillipa?
E. what it means to do what will be good for the communnity as a whole
F. what Robert Hsiung's thinking is concerning that he tries to be fair here.
G. other issues to be defined
poster:Lou Pilder