Posted by Lou Pilder on July 12, 2007, at 18:28:33
in accordance with your reminder procedure, In your statement on June 22,[...Perhaps before we post them,(posts that seek clarification or guidance regarding site rules), we could ask ourselves whether doing so is likely to be productive and construtive for the community as a whole...], I have the following requests in regards to your rationale, policy and actions that you take as to:
A. I am unsure as to what you are wanting the statement, [...constructive and productive for the community as a whole...] to mean here.
B. Could you give more clarification as to what you could want that to mean in regards to members posting requests to clarify and seek guidance regarding site rules by clarifying, let's say, how one request for clarification or guidance concerning site rules could bee good for the community as a whole and another request for clarification or guidance could not be good for the community as a whole?
If you could, I could have the opportunity to have a better understanding of your rationale and actions you have taken and policy here and post accordingly.
Here is the link to the firat time that I posted my request concerning this to you on June 22 which is in the last part of the post in response to your post.
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder