Posted by Lou Pilder on March 16, 2007, at 10:42:04
In reply to Lou's reminder to Dr. Hsiung-(5)correction to link, posted by Lou Pilder on March 16, 2007, at 7:40:11
> > DR. Hsiung,
> > In regards to the statement in question as to the poster being asked to rephrase her statement to make it OK here, the poster prefaced the statement with {I believe}.
> > The generally accepted meaning of to rephrase a statement is to make it clearer to the reader and there are other meanings. It is my understanding here that when a poster is asked to rephrase a statement, that the new statement will mean something different from the origimal statement to make it clearer and be acceptable in relation to the guidlines of the forum.
> > In this case here, the member left the statement in question the same and added a preface to it. When I read the statement, I feel inferior as a Jew (put down) when I read the member's new statement even with the added preface. Could you include in any reply to me here your rational for indicating that the statement that the member was asked to be rephrased was made to mean something different from the original meaning so that it could be acceptable here, if you are meaning that the member did rephrase the statement in question as to it meaning something different from the original writing so that it is now acceptable in relation to the guidlines of the forum?
> > Lou Pilder
> >
> >
> DR. Hsiung,
The generally accepted meaning of to rephrase a statement is to {word it diferently} so that what is rephrased is made [clearer}.
Since the member quoted a verse from the Christiandom bible,(John 1:17} I do not know how one could {rephrase} a quote of being of what is from someone else, for then if they did change the wording, could it not be seen as not being a quote?
In the past practice here, one wrote that they deleted the post in a similar circumstance. But I am wondering then, if instead of asking a member to rephrase a quote, that the member could be asked to delete the quote?
This then brings up, to me, as to if then there is the potential for one to think that there are {two standards} here so that statements that could have IMO the potential to arrouse antisemitic feelings or to have IMO the potential to lead a Jew to feel put down, are allowed to be treated to be deleted, or in the statement in question to have a preface that they believe it added to it, by the poster where statements that could have the potential to lead others then Jews to feel put down are treated differently.
I am asking if you could have dialog with me here so that I can post here those past posts that could have the potential IMO to show that there could be two standards here that could have the potential then IMO to put down Jews by the nature that statments by members that could have the potential to lead a Jew to feel put down are being treated differently than other statements of the same nature about non-Jews.
I feel devalued as a human being when I think that that could be the case here and would like to have dialog with you here to have this clarified.
In the statement in question that you posted that you think it is good for the member to post a preface that they believe the bible quote, IMO has the potential to lead me to think that you are approving the adding of that preface to perhaps other statements that could lead a Jew IMO to feel inferior (put down) and others could IMO think that doing so makes it acceptable here. The conjoining word of the two statments, {but}, could have the potential IMO to mean {without} and since the two statments conjoined have the first being about the law of Moses which Jews believe was given by Moses to the Jews as truth to them, and the second part being about Jesus Christ using {came by}, which could IMO have the potential to mean {after}, could have the potential IMO to lead a Jew, and others that do not accept the claimes of Christiandom, to feel inferior if the statement is allowed to remain as approved here.
I am unsure as to if all the deputies agree with your action in question here and I am asking that any deputy that agrees with me here, if there are those, to post a disclaimer in this thread, that they are not to be included in being one of the deputies that approves the adding of the preface {I believe} to the statement to make it approved here since (we) is used concerning administrative actions.
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder