Posted by so on May 18, 2005, at 16:12:30
In reply to Re: millions of Australians in your area do what? » so, posted by NikkiT2 on May 18, 2005, at 13:31:47
> What?
> Do you live in West London?
> No, so you DO NOT know.
The academic literature I've read about native perceptions of immigrant populations included studies conducted in London. The literature supports my own perceptions based on residing in several communities of mixed-ethnicity.I have difficulty conceptualizing a basis on which you could construct representations about the behavior of "millions" of Australian residing in London with no evidence beyond your anecdotal experience. If your job-search anecdote is instructive about some circumstances, it still does not answer to what extent Aussies seek jobs on the books, or the extent to which native-born Brits accept jobs off the books. I suspect many of the employers to whom you refer are Brits, so they would seem to be implicated in the tax-evasion scheme you attribute to expatriate Aussies.
Even if you anecdote is typical, it doesn't support knowledge of the extent to which expatriate Aussies complain about Brittian, proportional to British complaints, nor the extent to which Aussies exploit the social welfare system compared to native-born Brits.
Since your assertions about Aussie motivation and behavior are typical of assertions studied in literature about in-group/out-group relations, and since I have identified similar misperceptions as those reported in the literature in several mixed-ethnic communities, I consider it reasonable to question the extent to which your representation of Aussies is based entirely in fact and the extent to which it might be based on your own perceptions.
> I know for a fact they take jobs as I tried to get a bar / waitressing job in my area and its impossible, as I would have to pay tax, and they wanted someone who wanted to be paid cash in hand no questions asked.
> *I* listen to them, *I* live here.
> You cannot tell me I am not hearing what I am hearing.
> Nikki