Posted by 64bowtie on December 18, 2004, at 15:13:29
» DrBob »
My open handed request... not asking for much here... even though Lou Pilder continually ignores your three response limit suggestion... (Let him try that on the FAITH "minefield")...
Issues of faith, closely held beliefs, religion and religiosity, aren't going to be altered or improved on the board where Babble business is conducted and discussed! I implore you to please discourage faith discussion from appearing in admin. Please??!?
Just because the Admin board feels like an absolute and a 'god-board' (feels like god lerks here), Babble can therefore feel religiously comfortable and generally familiar. Problem! Businesses are rarely successful in the long run that pander only to feelings and 'feel-goods'. The I.R.S. is always lerking just outside of feelings with facts and data.....!
Therefore, I imagine continueing to pander to those insisting on debating religion and religiosity here on Admin will continue to erode Admin, and Babble will suffer; I imagine this. The 'DUH!' is that you have graciously provided us with our appropriate forum, the FAITH' board, and you welcome us to go there.